On the latter tributary is located the large Xin’an River Dam, an important supplier of hydroelectricity for the region. Photographer: AFP via Getty Images. CNN and the CNN logo are registered marks of Cable News Network, LP LLLP, displayed with permission. Xin'an River Dam. Its main component is a dam 344 feet (105 metres) high and 1,525 feet (465 metres) long built on the Xin’an River (a tributary of the Fuchun River) at Xin’anjiang, close to Jiande. It ran towards the Laoyancang dam, hitting the dam and creating great waves. CNN name, logo and all associated elements ® and © 2020 Cable News Network LP, LLLP. When it occurs to Yangtze River Dam, the first comes to people’s mind is Three Gorges Dam. The tide is caused by the tide generating force of moon and sun. Xin’an River Dam in eastern Zhejiang province opened all nine of its floodgates for the first time since it was built in 1959, releasing the equivalent of the entire Hangzhou West Lake in half an hour.

It ran towards the Laoyancang dam, hitting the dam and creating great waves. Water levels on many rivers, including the Yangtze, have been unusually high this year because of torrential rains. Qiantang River (钱塘江) is the largest river in Zhejiang Province, China. The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric gravity dam that spans the Yangtze River by the town of Sandouping, in Yiling District, Yichang, Hubei province, China. There are two Yangtze River Dams! Conventional weapons cannot do anything to Three Gorges Dam, unless the nuclear weapon were used.In 2019, the water monster in Three Gorges Yangtze River Dam was widely reported or speculated through network. The tidal bore is caused by the gravitational pull of the stars and planets.

Construction on the dam began in 1958 but was halted in 1961. Qiantang River (钱塘江) is the largest river in Zhejiang Province, China. (Yicai Global) July 8 -- Extreme weather in China has caused widespread flooding and filled many of China’s main reservoirs to the brink.

Given that the Qijiang is a tributary of the Yangzi River, the Three Gorges Dam will be facing its biggest test since it opened in 2003.

Thousands of visitors captured the moment with cellphones. Comparing with it, Three Gorges Yangtze River Dam is far ahead.Three Gorges Yangtze River Dam has a flood capacity of 22.15 billion cubic meters and a maximum water capacity of 39.3 billion cubic meters. It recommenced in 1970, the first generator was operational in 1979 and the project complete in 1980. Later, it was proved the place was not in the area of Three Gorges Dam, but in Anhui Province. More heavy downpours are expected.The dam has opened its sluices only six times in the last 61 years, and never before all at once.Yesterday seven sluices were opened, but the water level continued to rise.Water gushes out of the Xin'an River Dam’s nine floodgates.Water rages beneath a bridge as heavy rain continues to batter the region. It ran towards the Laoyancang dam, hitting the dam and creating great waves. Water being released from the Xinan River Dam in Zhejiang province on July 8. If the flood was once in a 10,000 years, the main body of the dam would not be destroyed, but its functions would be influenced.Three Gorges Yangtze River Dam is like an iron fortress. Itaipu Dam, the second-largest hydroelectric power station around the world, has an installed gross capacity of 14 million kWh and annual capacity of 90 billion kWh. The centrifugal force produced by the rotation of the earth and by the trumpet shape of Hangzhou Bay makes it easy for the tide to come in, but difficult for it to ebb.Besides, the southeast or east wind along Zhejiang’s coastal area makes the tidal bore stronger, as the direction of the wind is similar to that of the tide.

In the video, a black huge creature was twisting in the water. [videos] => Array The valley was flooded in 1959 to create the lake for the Xin'an River Dam project.

Also, it is a concrete gravity dam and each part of the dam could ensure its stable depending on its own gravity. The highest tidal bore reached 1.28 meters on Sunday.

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Zhejiang hydropower construction and installation Co., LTD. Is a national level of construction enterprise, the predecessor of the hydropower construction in zhejiang province is the second network, established in 1965, and so far, 40 years of history, zhejiang province construction key enterprises.

Even if some part was damaged, the whole dam would not collapse, and it can be repaired directly.