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There are also a small number of single adults and a large number of families. Looking at 85361 real estate data, the median home value of $162,300 is slightly higher than average compared to the rest of the country. 85361 wittmann follows Mountain (GMT -07:00) time zone. Today's Weather - Wittmann, AZ. Wittmann, AZ Stats and Demographics for the 85361 ZIP Code. There are few days during the summer when the humidity becomes unpleasant. According the 2010 US Census, the population of 85361 increased to 6700 from 4147 over the past 10 years. The majority ethnicity residing in 85361 is while the majority ethnicity attending 85361 public schools is White.
Rentals in 85361 are most commonly 3+ bedrooms. the area that you are interested in, select from the options below
Browse photos, see new properties, get open house info, and research neighborhoods on Trulia. Key Zip or click on the map.. Advertisement.
More Cost of Living or Compare Wittmann (zip 85361)'s Cost of Living.
Portions of zip code 85361 are contained within or border the city limits of Buckeye, AZ, Surprise, AZ, .
74.9% of students in 85361 public schools receive or are eligible to participate in free or reduced lunch programs.
Wittmann is a census-designated place in Maricopa County, Arizona, United States.It is located along U.S. Route 60 in the central part of Arizona, about 35 miles northwest of central Phoenix, and while technically located within the city's metropolitan area it is generally regarded by locals to be just outside it. Pedestrians and cyclists beware.
The area code for 85361 is 623.The total population for 85361 zip codes is 6,245 and covers total land area of 119.025 sq mi.
View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place.
The rent for 3+ bedrooms is normally $1,000+/month including utilities. The area code for 85361 is 623.The total population for 85361 zip codes is 6,245 and covers total land area of 119.025 sq mi. The percentage of children under 18 living in the 85361 ZIP code is large compared to other areas of the country.
Compared to the rest of the country, Wittmann (zip 85361)'s cost of living is 17.5% higher than the U.S. average.
As with most parts of the country, vehicles are the most common form of transportation to places of employment. WEATHER & CLIMATE April, March and November are the most pleasant months in the 85361 zip code, while July and August are the least comfortable months. The school currently serves as the Nadaburg Unified School District Governing Board’s Boardroom.Joseph Wittmann, continuing a legacy initiated by his father-in-law, endeavored to build a dam on the Hassayampa River, which would bring irrigation water to the town of Nadaburg. There are 1 different elementary schools and high schools with mailing addresses in ZIP code 85361.
It is spread along the coordinates of +33.276539 and -112.187170. The official US Postal Service name for 85361 is WITTMANN, Arizona. When mailing your package or letter, always include the preferred or acceptable cities. 255 Homes For Sale in Wittmann, AZ.
Data sources include the United States Postal Service, U.S. Census Bureau, Yahoo, Google, FedEx, and UPS. The first recorded burial was that of James Stalnaker in 1917. The current unemployment level in 85361 is 13.3% which is higher than the current county unemployment level of 4.9% and is higher than the current state unemployment at 12.9% and higher than the current national unemployment rate at 13.3%.
The majority of household are owned or have a mortgage.
In 1926, lots and acreage were given to Wittmann, by the citizens of Nadaburg, in support of the construction of the dam. The preferred city may not be the city in which the ZIP is located.
It falls under maricopa county of West region and Mountain division.
According the 2010 US Census, the population of 85361 increased to 6700 from 4147 over the past 10 years.
85361 Zip Code is spread between the coordinates of +33.276539 Latitude and -112.187170 Longitude.
Portions of zip code 85361 are contained within or border the city limits of Buckeye, AZ, Surprise, AZ,. The median household income of $47,738 is compared to the rest of the country.
85361 wittmann follows Mountain (GMT -07:00) time zone. The area has an extremely high percentage of people that most travel over 45 minutes to their place of employment.
He filed his homestead petition in September 1920. In 85361 though, the percentage of people that make it to work in under half an hour is among the lowest. Mostly Clear.
Zip Code 85361 is located in Wittmann, Maricopa county in the state of Arizona. The area has some of lowest percentages of commutes without a vehicle in the country.
The current unemployment level in 85361 is 13.3% which is higher than the current county unemployment level of 4.9% and is higher than the current state unemployment at 12.9% and higher than the current national unemployment rate at 13.3%. 85361 Zip Code is part of the 520 area code.
Other land and claims included those that had belonged to the Wittmann-van Beuren family ever since the Walnut Grove Water Storage Company went into receivership in the 1890s.Early Nadaburg church, now the "Assembly of God", built c. 1930, and located at 32858 Center Street.
Wittmann, AZ 85361 - Peer Comparisons by Rank and Percentile. February is the snowiest month in the 85361 zip code with 0.1 inches of snow, and no months of the year have significant snowfall. Using any city in the list of unacceptable cities may result in delays.The people living in ZIP code 85361 are primarily white.
85361 zip code is located in Wittmann city of Arizona area.
85361 could be an area to look for cheap housing compared to surrounding areas.
Zip Code 85361 Description Zip Code 85361 is located in the state of Arizona in the Phoenix metro area. Wittmann has 1 zip code and 1 area code which we have listed below.
Zip code 85361 is primarily located in Maricopa County.
Zip Code Boundary Map Zip Code 85361 Wittmann, Arizona .
ZIP code 85361 is located in central Arizona and covers a slightly higher than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States.