One sports a blue bandana in the left back pocket, which, according to the overlaid text, “indicates that the wearer will assume the active or traditional male role during sexual contact”… Though it doesn’t have a strong personality, blue does have a unique spirit.A little planning goes a long way with the color blue.

Blue represents patience and understanding, which is why we feel so comfortable around it. In fact, it loathes the idea of creating conflict. The color blue has positive affects on the mind and the body. Wear blue when you want to exude power, have mental control, be conservative, respected or communicate an important message. A conservative navy, grey or tan business suit is suitable for women.Wear red when you want to be assertive, need an energy boost or exude sexuality.

Carole Kanchier

Instead, it merely makes itself known. Don't wear it when you're confused, feel stagnant, want to be alone.Wear blue when you want to exude power, have mental control, be conservative, respected or communicate an important message. For those who are seasoned perfectionists, the color blue understands you.Anxiety and worry are deceitful mistresses. You're that first flash of color others see.Get the top stories emailed every day. What do the colours you wear say about you? Avoid it when you feel restless, dependent, fearful, want to relax.Wear yellow when you need to attend to details, maintain mental alertness, feel happy. Wear grey when you want to feel self-sufficient, isolate yourself. Though these attributes are promising, blue is also fragile and somewhat cowardly.

Though having emotions is healthy, perhaps the color blue feels too strongly. The insight that awaits you will prove wholly enlightening.Given how sensitive the color blue is, it comes as no surprise that it hurts so deeply. Blue takes nothing, but it gives everything. The dark suit, navy or medium to dark grey, with a crisp shirt and contrasting tie is appropriate for men.

Avoid yellow when you're fearful, want to evade attention, relax.Wear green when you want to see things from a different perspective, need to feel grounded, calm, generous.

Avoid it when you feel lonely, stressed.Wear black to communicate an authoritative image or protect emotions. By creating an air of serenity, it does just that. Using colours effectively to dress, decorate your office or design your website can put you ahead of the competition.Generally, warm colours such as red and its neighbouring hues on the colour spectrum are active, exciting.
It hates confrontation, and likes to do things in its own way. SUBSCRIBE TO THE STYLE NEWSLETTER However, when I wore black to meetings in certain small school districts, I was considered aloof.
Newsletters may offer personalized content or advertisements. Its selflessness makes it an excellent adviser. When I wore black to business meetings in San Francisco, I was perceived as sophisticated. Colours can send positive or negative messages.

Renowned for its composed demeanor, blue is a tranquil presence. The Meaning of "Something Blue" While wearing or carrying " something blue " was also meant to deflect that pesky Evil Eye, the color blue stands for love, purity and fidelity—three key qualities for a solid marriage. While they seek to fill us with dread, the color blue serves to create the opposite effect. These varying qualities make blue the perfectly balanced shade that so many love, trust, and adore.Personifying Nature’s Beauty Most prominently found in nature, the color green embodies rich foliage, lush…Impartial and Unbothered A mixture of black and white, gray is the best of both…A Color Worth a Thousand Tales A striking, bold, and captivating hue, red is perhaps…Color Meanings is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If your emotions tend to control you, be cautious of the color blue. When overwhelming emotions consume us, we’re encouraged to decompress with the color blue. Don't wear blue when you feel isolated, depressed, critical. It doesn’t intrude or pester.