By the way, I really like the captions within the 1st pic!

An expense that will certainly ruin every relationship we touch. Submission is such a strong power word. Jaime M. Callica has been dubbed a rising star and "one to watch" in Hollywood. Upside down/sideways submissions Students are submitting work sideways and upside down.

Upside Down: Inverted Tropes in Storytelling is a collection of stories that aims to subvert many of the popular tropes and cliches to show them in a new light.

A change that requires a new spirit being birthed in you. Hugo, Chesley, and World Fantasy Award-nominated artist Galen Dara will be providing the art for our cover.Trope examinations may range from: poetry, short stories (up to 5000 words), flash fiction, interstitial fiction (e.g. Not only that, but proceeds from your book will go to our sister charity, We are looking to acquire manuscripts with a focus on mental health and wellness, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness for children. Of course these are both rhetorical questions that have a bit of truth in them both, but I believe they are worthy of discussion in order for our us to gain clarity on why we are (men and women) so at odds when it comes to this topic.Having the privilege of growing up with three sisters, and being the only boy in the family, I’ve had the prime opportunity to learn the many ways and complexities of girls and women. see the search faq for details. Attention writers! Best Regards, Cliff Next time you go to a conference or hire a consultant to be told, 'We live in a VUCA [Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous] world,' leave the room.

Goodreads. We have demanded the respect without earning it first, and out of our frustration for what seemed like an innate, God-given right we brought our wives and partners to their knees with abusive actions to obtain it.

I can say, from my own relationship the essence of submission is putting each other 1st. They were and still are distinctly different in their personalities, from moderately calm to semi-explosive when provoked, and l love them all dearly and differently I might add. Now who in their right minds want that? Students are submitting work sideways and upside down. This collection is edited by Monica Valentinelli and Jaym Gates, and will be coming in 2016 from Apex Publications. Quite the contrary actually! Sid spends most of his time at home. I can’t begin to understand the frame of mind that places someone in that position. Thanks for stopping by, sorry we’re not here yet to hang with you.

Could it simply mean the one doing the submitting is defiant, or perhaps the one in authority doesn’t understand how to convey a submissive-worthy message or countenance?

Easily stated, but not easily fulfilled, unless an authentic change has occurred in our lives.

So what’s the problem?

Join 1,296 other followers Follow . This site in other languages Badges. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. They have helped to shape my ideas and thoughts and even assisted me in the area of empathy and patience.

Why is there such a power struggle with the statement, when all it is, is a another form of submitting?

If you are considering submitting a memoir, we strongly recommend that you refer to our submission guidelines for With a particular focus on mental health and wellbeing topics, Cherish Editions is Trigger’s self-publishing imprint. Our track record with Kickstarter, thus far, has been very successful and includes anthologies such as Writers will receive $0.06 per word, to be paid out of the Kickstarter. e.g.