Click play and start a conversation.TKSST is reader-supported by affiliate links we believe in. I thought the event was really well organized and the ride was gorgeous. ©2011-2020 The Kid Should See This™, TKSST™, TKSST Gift Guide™. It is with great disappointment to share with you that the 9th Annual Tour of the Moon has been cancelled.With the current public health concerns of COVID-19, regulations from Mesa County Public Health that limit large gatherings and uncertainty of what future orders will allow, we did not see a practical or safe way to execute the annual event. Many of the shots for the narrated tour come from this video.The narrated tour of the moon combined with the Evolution of the Moon animation. The view is centered on the Apollo 17 landing site. Roll Massif Tour of the Moon takes riders up and through the unique landscape of the Colorado National Monument. As the artwork tours, new audio compositions will be created and performed by a range of established composers and musicians, so adding to the Museum of the Moon collection. The Tour of the Moon was made famous in the 1980’s Coors Classic and later in the cycling movie American Flyers.

Note the sharp color division between the two.Taurus-Littrow Valley (large dark area, lower center), north up. The faint crosshatch pattern is a sensor artifact.The South Pole-Aitken Basin on the lunar far side is one of the largest and oldest impact features in the solar system. After exiting the Monument, riders may elect to tackle a 64-mile through the beautiful farm country and surrounding areas of Fruita or opt for the classic 41-mile classic loop back to Grand Junction.

Moon - 3D Virtual Tour. Museum of the Moon. 2019 Copper Triangle Rider. Over the coming years Museum of the Moon will be presented in art exhibitions, science, music and light festivals around the world.
Direct sunlight never reaches the crater floor.

The Tour of the Moon was made famous in the 1980’s Coors Classic and later in the cycling movie American Flyers. Subscribe. As the visualization moves around the near side, far side, north and south poles, we highlight interesting features, sites, and information gathered on the lunar terrain. Name. If you have not already done so, please click the button below and make a selection.

Includes feature title and scale.As above, but without any data overlays (color coded elevation, latitude/longitude grid at the poles, titles).This version includes the data overlays (color coded elevation and latitude/longitude polar grid), but omits the feature name and scale.A short segment in which the viewer flies toward the Moon from a distance. Image taken by the LROC narrow-angle camera.Wide shot of Mare Serenitatis and the Taurus Littrow valley, where the crew of Apollo 17 landed in December 1972.Close-up views of the Apollo 17 landing site as taken by the LROC narrow-angle camera.Close-up shot showing changing shadows on Tsiolkovsky Crater.4.5 minute flyover tour of the moon. Spark questions. The ride has been held for 8 consecutive years, rain or shine.

Music Provided By Killer Tracks: "Never Looking Back" - Frederick Wiedmann. We are grateful to you for your continuous faith in Roll Massif and for expressing your commitment to the ride by purchasing your registration earlier in the year.
Use the scroll wheel to zoom at the details. Sportive Events. Email. We look forward to hosting you at another Roll Massif event in the future.If you signed up for the 9th annual Tour of the Moon, you have a few choices in how to exercise your registration. It is with great disappointment to share with you that the 9th Annual Tour of the Moon has been cancelled. Tour of the Moon registration is open! Thanks to new measurements, we have new and unprecedented views of its surface, along with new insight into how it and other rocky planets in our solar system came to look the way they do. Click here to see more videos: Take a tour of the Moon's surface features in this video from NASA. Wide view of Orientale Basin, one of the largest visible impacts on the moon's surface.Fly in to Shackleton Crater, where an artificial light reveals topography that hasn't seen sunlight in billions of years.Close-up shot of Tycho Crater's central peak as taken by the LROC narrow-angle camera.Close-up shot of the central boulder in Tycho Crater's central peak. The tour visits a number of interesting sites chosen to illustrate a wide variety of lunar terrain features. Success! Today, it continues to be considered one of the premier recreational rides in the western United States. Roll Massif Tour of the Moon takes riders up and through the unique landscape of the Colorado National Monument. These different features record our Moon’s history.

As we get ready to mark 50 years since the original Moon landing, put your headphones on and join us for a guided tour of everything you’ve ever wanted to know about our celestial neighbour. Color coded elevation highlights the terrain of some sites. Mountains on its edge, remnants of outer rings, are red and yellow.Tycho Crater (center). We highly recommend KiwiCo STEAM kits.Start conversations.

Some are on the near side and are familiar to both professional and amateur observers on Earth, while others can only be seen clearly from space.

The breathtaking, high desert scenery and beautiful roads make this an epic day of cycling.The National Forest Service caps our participation at 2,200, and we sell out ever… STAY IN THE KNOW - LET'S ROLL. Wild Horse Gravel Sunrise to Sunset Elephant Rock Copper Triangle Crooked Gravel Tour de Vineyards Tour of the Moon. Can you find them? The breathtaking, high desert scenery and beautiful roads make this an epic day of cycling. Press F9 to get a list of the 3D sites you downloaded (residing in the same directory). The lighting matches that of the LROC narrow angle camera image of the central peak.Central peak of Tycho as photographed by the LROC narrow angle camera. This can be added seamlessly to the start of the main tour.Animation files that combine the short fly-in with the main tour.A condensed version of the tour. All rights reserved.This award-winning video collection is reader-supported.This site uses cookies to improve your experience.