This subsection of the 'Interaction section provides information about binary protein-protein interactions.
This subsection of the 'Entry information' section shows the date of integration of the entry into UniProtKB, the date of the last sequence update and the date of the last annotation modification ('Last modified'). Cyclic redundancy and other checksums
This subsection of the Names and taxonomy section provides information on the name(s) of the organism that is the source of the protein sequence.
This subsection of the Names and taxonomy section indicates the name(s) of the gene(s) that code for the protein sequence(s) described in the entry.
This subsection of the Names and taxonomy section provides an exhaustive list of all names of the protein, from commonly used to obsolete, to allow unambiguous identification of a protein.
The polymerase is tethered to the template via the sliding clamp processivity factor.This subsection of the 'Structure' section is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined helical regions within the protein sequence.
The current subsections and their content are listed below:This subsection of the 'Entry information' section indicates whether the entry has been manually annotated and reviewed by UniProtKB curators or not, in other words, if the entry belongs to the Swiss-Prot section of UniProtKB (reviewed) or to the computer-annotated TrEMBL section (unreviewed).
Press W.H., Flannery B.P., Teukolsky S.A. and Vetterling W.T.
This DNA polymerase also exhibits 3' to 5' exonuclease activity.The exact function of the theta subunit is unknown.
This subsection of the Sequence section indicates if the canonical sequence displayed by default in the entry is complete or not.
Please consider upgrading from the sequence.This subsection of the 'PTM / Processing' section describes the extent of a polypeptide chain in the mature protein following processing or proteolytic cleavage.