I also want to apologize for my previous blog. Now, this is for a few reasons, and I'll get to that big one in a minute, but I...Well, there's a lot going on this week, the Emmys are coming up and I have to stop being annoyed at the election long enough to make pre...Jim Emerson's blog recently noted that more and more movie critics are taking the summer to put together a Top Ten List of "Best Mo...(Angry sigh) I wish I had more hopeful poetry to present to you in light of the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency, others have, b...Intelligent, observant, and thoughtful analysis of the film, TV and the entertainment world. T he success of The Five Obstructions depends almost distressingly on the audience’s cheeky sense of bad faith toward Lars von Trier (the myth, as opposed to the man, given that he wears his auteurist authoritarianism in the same manner of the Stroheim from whom he stole his bogus “Von”). © 2020 • All content within this entry is strictly the property of Mekala Lehmunn, and is not for public use without permission. His idol is fellow Danish filmmaker Jorgen Leth, both of whom have since becomes friends, but Von Trier has set up a challenge for his fellow filmmaker. Over the course of the film, Lars asks Jørgen to remake The Perfect Human five times in reaction to a series of challenges or 'obstructions'. He became famous for films that had obstructions like, "only natural light," and "only on-set props allowed" as part of the Dogme movement. There are three truly great documentaries about the behind the scenes of filmmaking, the first being “Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse,” which was put together from footage Eleanor Coppola shot of her husband, Francis Ford Coppola, as he turns into a murderous, suicidal maniac while spending over three years filming his masterpiece “Apocalypse Now”. This essay for my Elements of Cinema course analyzes the intricacies and overall themes of Lars von Trier and Jørgen Leth’s documentary The Five Obstructions. I don’t want to reveal all of the obstructions he comes up with, because it would take away from the reality show-like experience of finding out what the next new rules and challenges for the next project are, but they range wildly from complete freedom to do whatever you want, to being force to make a cut every twelve frames (which is ½ Von Trier, partly worried about Leth’s apparent depression and retirement, and partly out of perverse curiosity, challenges Leth to remake “The Perfect Human,” five more times, each time involving a different set of obstructions so as to reconsider the film in completely different ways. This film, also belongs next to the DVDs of "Fear Factor" and "Jackass" and other reality shows that force their contestants through ever-more inventive nightmore activities. Trier his mentor, Leth, to remake his avant garde film The Perfect Human five times while adhering to a different frustrating limitation, or obstruction, each time. The second is Les Blanc’s Oscar-winning “Burden of Dreams,” about the amazingly more insane film shoot of the truly insane director Werner Herzog’s “Fitzcarraldo” (He may be the only director in the world who makes Von Tiers look relatively sane). Core tip: This meta-analysis demonstrates the advantages of self-expandable metal stent (SEMS) placement as palliative therapy for incurable malignant colorectal obstructions. So, "Twin Peaks" is back in the news lately. Not to mention the perverse sado-masochistic relationship between the creator and the obstructor is fun to watch. This is child's play for him. DAVID BARUFFI'S ENTERTAINMENT VIEW AND REVIEWS! I wasn't able to figure out how to post two youtube clips onto the same blog, but you can that short film by clicking the address below: Von Trier, partly worried about Leth’s apparent depression and retirement, and partly out of perverse curiosity, challenges Leth to remake “The Perfect Human,” five more times, each time involving a different set of obstructions so as to reconsider the film in completely different ways. Von Trier adores Leth’s short film “The Perfect Human,” which he made in 1967. This essay for my Elements of Cinema course analyzes the intricacies and overall themes of Lars von Trier and Jørgen Leth’s documentary The Five Obstructions. THE FIVE OBSTRUCTIONS Lars and Jørgen make a pact and play. Sorry for the delay this week everybody. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER AT: @DavidBaruffi_EVLars Von Trier,is  one of the best and most controversial directors in the world. “The Five Obstructions,” also belongs alongside these masterpieces in a way, but those documentaries were simply observing and documenting events that were happening anyway. The result is a revealing and surprising analysis of the creative process. Includes Random Movie Reviews, Cannon of Film blogs and Critical essays and commentaries on the latest goings of the entertainment world and culture. I didn't intend on it. I forgot to mention this last week, I'm sure some of you have notice a slight design change in the blog, as I've put up a "Past... One of the few people I haven't gone after for their part in forcing bad reality TV down our throats is the tabloid entertainment news...Don't ask me, how the hell this happened, but I somehow got a job writing an occasional report on Ring of Honor pro wrestling. The third is “Lost in La Mancha,” which documents the troubles of a Terry Gilliam’s film shoot for his version of “Don Quixote,” which due to disasters natural, unnatural and otherwise eventually lead to the film and shoot being abandoned.