These, letters are redolent with the spirit of Christian charity, apostolic zeal, and pastoral solicitude. I am the wheat of the Lord; may I be ground by the teeth of the beasts to become the immaculate bread of Christ.”Ignatius bravely met the lions in the Circus Maximus.Ignatius’s great concern was for the unity and order of the Church. St Ignatius is Featured on PBS 39 News - Click here to view the story 2019-2020 Events Parish Mission - 3/30/20 - 4/1/20 with Fr. Incapable of appreciating the motives that animated him, the emperor ordered him to be put in chains and taken to Rome, there to become the food of wild beasts and a spectacle for the people.That the trials of this journey to Rome were great we gather from his letter to the Romans (par. At Troas they took ship for Neapolis. The triple honor of apostle, bishop, and martyr was well merited by this energetic soldier of the Faith. Instantly alert to the danger that threatened, Ignatius availed himself of all the means within his reach to thwart the purpose of the emperor. Tuesday, August 11, 2020, at 3:30 pm-5:30 pm. ", IV. In this work, which such competent Protestant critics as Pearson and Ussher regard as genuine, the full history of that eventful journey from Syria to Rome is faithfully recorded for the edification of the Church of Antioch. Zeal for the spiritual well-being of those under his charge breathes from every line of his writings. The next port of embarkation was probably Dyrrhachium (Durazzo). Our School is a Catholic School in the city of Cleveland serving a diverse population of students. Its most reliable form is that found in the "Martyrium Colbertinum" which closes the mixed recension and is so called because its oldest witness is the tenth-century Codex Colbertinus (Paris).According to these Acts, in the ninth year of his reign, Trajan, flushed with victory over the Scythians and Dacians, sought to perfect the universality of his dominion by a species of religious conquest.

He warns them against heretical doctrines, providing them with the solid truths of the Christian faith.The sixth letter was to Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, who was later martyred for the faith. Copyright © 2020 Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. Irondale, Alabama. Ignatius, who also called himself Theophorus ("God-bearer"), was most likely a disciple of both Apostles Peter and John. St. Ignatius Celebrates 100 years! 552 West End Avenue, New York, New York 10024 (Church Entrance on 87th Street between Broadway and West End …

Our father among the saints Ignatius the God-bearer of Antioch (probably died AD 107) was the third bishop of Antioch, after the Apostle Peter and Euodios, whom Ignatius succeeded around AD 68. From this place their journey led them overland through Macedonia and Illyria. The restoration of peace, though it was short-lived, greatly comforted him. To each of these Christian communities he addressed letters from Smyrna, exhorting them to obedience to their respective bishops, and warning them to avoid the contamination of heresy. Welcome to one and all. At several places along the road his fellow-Christians greeted him with words of comfort and reverential homage. Natalis Alexander quotes Theodoret to the same effect (III, xii, art. It is generally admitted, even by those who regarded it as authentic, that this work has been greatly interpolated. Ignatius would not deny Christ and thus was condemned to be put to death in Rome.Ignatius is well known for the seven letters he wrote on the long journey from Antioch to Rome. Accordingly, when the storm of the persecution of Domitian broke in its full fury upon the Christians of Syria, it found their faithful leader prepared and watchful. Information on Ignatius of Antioch. St. John Chrysostom lays special emphasis on the honor conferred upon the martyr in receiving his episcopal consecration at the hands of the Apostles themselves ("Hom. He decreed, therefore, that the Christians should unite with their pagan neighbors in the worship of the gods. Saint Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal Church. “The only thing I ask of you is to allow me to offer the libation of my blood to God. I am eager to die for the sake of Christ. The Church celebrates the feast of St. Ignatius on 1 February.The character of St. Ignatius, as deduced from his own and the extant writings of his contemporaries, is that of a true athlete of Christ. I am the wheat of God, and am ground by the teeth of the wild beasts, that I may be found the pure bread of God. Eccl.

", I, iv, 33a, Paris, 1642) is the authority for the statement that St. Peter appointed Ignatius to the See of Antioch. Him I seek, who died for us and rose again. His desire was not to remain long unsatisfied. Food Pantry. Immutab. St. Ignatius of Antioch School is preparing students for a diverse society through academics, faith, and service. Born in Syria, Ignatius converted to Christianity and eventually became bishop of Antioch.

Theodoret ("Dial. An enthusiastic devotion to duty, a passionate love of sacrifice, and an utter fearlessness in the defense of Christian truth, were his chief characteristics. It is certainly very ancient and is reputed to have been written by Philo, deacon of Tarsus, and Rheus Agathopus, a Syrian, who accompanied Ignatius to Rome. We will distribute food in the parking lot. Ig. I long after the Lord, the Son of the true God and Father, Jesus Christ.