Between 1974 and 1992, Red-winged Blackbird and European Starling control programs (Heisterberg et al. 1994.

Avian use of rice baited corn stubble in east-central South Dakota. Twedt, and R.R. It is estimated that 73% of the boreal transition zone in Saskatchewan has been converted to agricultural land since European settlement (Hobson et al. The Committee meets to consider status reports on candidate species.The Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment and Climate Change Canada, provides full administrative and financial support to the COSEWIC Secretariat.The English name for Euphagus carolinus is the Rusty Blackbird. MSc thesis, Oregon State University.

During the breeding season, the adult male is uniformly black, with a faint greenish gloss to its body and slight violet gloss to its head and neck.


However, there were indeed wide-scale changes in habitats across the Rusty Blackbird breeding range from 1700-1900 due to large-scale commercial beaver trapping activities by Europeans that hunted beavers nearly to extinction across much of their range (Naiman et al.

2003; Cadman et al. More than 11 million ha of agricultural lands have been treated with these insecticides in the Canadian prairies (Main et al. 2007. However, according to Hamel et al.

1986. Elimination of Malaria in the United States (1947-1951). 1995. There is a positive association between flock size and the use of flooded lowland forests (Evans et al.

1065-1070 In Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas: Proceedings of the Third International Partners in Flight Conference 2002. 2010a). Sinclair, J.A. Web site: [accessed November 2016].Canham, L. 2014. 1988. Hudson, C. Downes, and C.M.

2010a). The Birds of Canada.

Hall, and P. Hendricks. Structure and function of a benthic invertebrate stream community as influenced by beaver (Castor canadensis).

The female is brownish grey with no gloss. Rojek.

comm. The Christmas Bird Count home page. There are two blackbird species in North America belonging to genus Euphagus: the Rusty Blackbird and Brewer’s Blackbird. 2008.

MSc thesis, State University of New York, Syracuse, New York.

2010), suggesting that birds on the breeding grounds may be more subject to mercury exposure than wintering birds, owing to their stricter diet of insects during the breeding season (Evers et al.

The Rusty Blackbird produces one clutch per year, but replacement nests may be built if the first nest is destroyed (Avery 2013).The number of eggs per clutch is usually 3 to 7, with an average of 4.5 eggs per nest (Matsuoka et al. Blackbirds of the Americas.

April 2017.Fredrickson, L.H., and F.A Reid. comm.

On its wintering sites, the Rusty Blackbird appears to be sensitive to changes in surface hydrology caused by activities that result in wetland drainage, stream diversion and water control, and displacement of groundwater (Greenberg et al. Ontario Trappers Association, Toronto.Orians, G.H.

Hobson, P.J. Waterfowl Management Handbook.

The Birds of Manitoba. The distribution of Rusty Blackbirds on their wintering grounds: potential hotpots and habitat associations.

van Balen, and J. van Noordwijk.

Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. 2010b.

2007. Mobilizing Two Countries for Conservation: Rusty Blackbird Spring Migration.

1997; Matsuoka et al. Prevalence of hematozoa infections among breeding and wintering Rusty Blackbirds.

Recent analyses of blood samples of breeding adults from Alaska, Maine and on the wintering sites (Mississippi and Arkansas) reveal that prevalence of hematozoan infection (mainly The overall impact calculated for this threat is unknown, as the scope is considered pervasive to large, but severity is unknown.The effects of climate change in boreal wetlands could contribute to the species’ decline (Matsuoka et al. 2014).

Hoffman, B.A. In the northwestern portion of its range, the parameters that best predict breeding habitat are the regional proportion of freshwater ponds and lakes and the presence of shallow wetlands with emergent vegetation (Matsuoka et al. Helleiner (eds.). They are relatively uncommon denizens of wooded swamps, breeding in the boreal forest and wintering in the eastern U.S.

2014. Identifying migratory pathways used by Rusty Blackbirds breeding in southcentral Alaska. 1990. Controlling blackbirds and starlings at winter roosts using PA-14. 2011. The period of use of this product, which has since been taken off the market, generally coincides with the period of greatest decline of Rusty Blackbird populations (Greenberg et al. Web site [accessed July 2015].Soykan, C.U., J. Sauer, J.G. Version 95.1. Assessing the value of Department of Defense lands in Alaska to a declining species, the Rusty Blackbird.

UBC Press, Vancouver. Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development. Osenton, and D.M.

1995In the southeastern part of its breeding range, the Rusty Blackbird has also been recorded nesting in early successional habitats created by natural disturbances such as fire and windthrow (Ellison 1990; Powell et al. Prepared for Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge subcommittee of the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada.

2007; Matsuoka et al. Nests are located in shrubs or small trees over or near water. Although DDT was banned in North America in the 1970s, it could have contributed to the species’ decline.More recently, neonicotinoid insecticides were introduced in the 1990s. National and International Initiatives. BioScience 59:673-684.Ide, F.P.


On the breeding grounds, threats include contamination of wetlands by mercury, wetland acidification, and wetland degradation due to climate change.Although the Rusty Blackbird is a migratory bird, it is not protected in Canada under the Yes, on 5 May 2016 (Suzanne Carrière, Kaytlin Cooper, Bruno Drolet, Richard Elliot, Dave Fraser, Marcel Gahbauer, Joanna James, Jeff Keith, Jon McCracken, Carl Savignac, Pam Sinclair, Karen Timm, Steve Van Wilgenberg, Alana Westwood) Overall threat level: Medium.