Get more. When we say the ‘Junior app’, we mean the app that Juniors use to access your Revolut Junior account. This document sets out the terms and conditions for the use of Revolut Junior and other important things that you need to know about it. The Junior can view any transactions made on their Revolut Junior account using the Junior app. When we say 'you' in these Junior terms, we mean a Revolut personal account holder. I think I'll use Revolut exclusively for travel expenses.”“Flying to 🇯🇵isn’t stopping @linuz90 from sending me 💰with Revolut”“If you haven’t heard about Revolut’s easy to split bills with friends, request money and create virtual cards for online purchases”“I travel a lot. Watch this space, as they say. Revolut Junior, the digital bank's money management app for children aged 7-17, had only been available to customers with Premium or Metal accounts since launching in May. For this reason, you should read these Junior Terms and our Personal Terms together.10. We won't issue any new card to a Junior who is over 18. We’re free to use and make comparing prices across suppliers quick and easy!We save you time by bringing you all the best deals in one place. For more information about how we use personal information generally, please see our By entering into these Junior terms you are giving us permission to gather process and store your Junior's personal information for the purpose of providing our services to you and them. Use the debit card abroad, no charges, best exchange rate.”“Loving using @RevolutApp. If your Junior attempts a transaction using your Revolut Junior card and there are not sufficient funds in the Revolut Junior account then the transaction will be declined, even if there are sufficient funds in your Revolut personal account.You can create a Revolut Junior account at any time in the Revolut app. The company has been in the news -- for good and bad reasons -- this year and has grown rapidly since launching in Ireland a few years ago. We’re 100% impartial and are also accredited by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) as an impartial, accurate and independent supplier of energy price comparisons. The value of investments can go up as well as down and you may receive less than your original investment or lose the value of your entire initial investment. Parents only have to top it up with funds whenever they want and away they go.The Premium plan currently allows for the creation of two Junior accounts, while the top-tier Metal plan allows for five Junior accounts linked to it. "We have also noticed that many shops, cafes and restaurants have switched to cashless payments only during the pandemic. However, the agreement and the personal terms will remain in place between you and us, for your Revolut personal account. How can I report a lost or stolen Revolut Junior card? Juniors cannot make or receive transfers using the Junior app.You can send money to (and from) the Revolut Junior account, and keep track of how Juniors are spending that money, using the Revolut app. Both of these paid plans have no monthly limit, however there is an ‘annual top-up ceiling’ of €4,000.The paid Revolut accounts also have some new features by way of 'tasks' and 'weekly allowance'. Get in touch by leaving us a message in the comments section below.Or you can also leave us a message over on one of our social media pages: Neither Revolut nor Revolut Trading provides investment advice and individual investors should make their own decisions or seek professional independent advice if they are unsure as to the suitability/appropriateness of any investment for their individual circumstances or needs. When we say the ‘Revolut app’ in these Junior Terms, we mean the Revolut app that you use to access your personal account. You are responsible for everything a Junior does using your Revolut Junior account as if you had done it yourself.This includes any Revolut Junior card. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.English, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, TurkishWith Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app. This means that children, who are traditionally given pocket money in cash, can be financially excluded. "The world is currently still undergoing a global health crisis with Covid-19 and is forcing many businesses in Ireland to re-open on a cashless basis. Standard, Premium, Metal). Learn more by reading our full Exchange money with no hidden fees. Use the debit card abroad, no charges, best exchange rate.”“Loving using @RevolutApp.