There's plenty of parking if you decide to rent a car, take a taxi, or go from a tour bus. Al norte se encuentra el Templo del Dios Descendente, con un pequeño basamento sobre el que se construyó un edificio decorado con la imagen de esa deidad, principal elemento iconográfico de la ciudad. La zona arqueológica está abierta de lunes a domingo de 08:00 a 17:00. Takes your breath away, sexy, spectacular... but quite high in temperature and there is definite humidity!Last May, Peg and I took a Caribbean cruise. Recomendaciones Llevar ropa fresca y cómoda, así como zapatos bajos, protector solar y agua. You cant beat these views and impeccably preserved ruins. You can ride a bike here and park real close.

Hamburgo 135, Colonia Juárez, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, Ciudad de México, CP 06600 Teléfonos (55)4166-0780 al (55)4166-0784 I always is fascinated by ancient history, temples. My wife and I went straight up to the ticket both and bought our tickets for entrance to the park.

Es el sitio más fotogénico de la región y quizá del país entero. The heat and humid is pretty bad so bring water and come early before it gets worse and busier.

Ubicación de la zona arqueológica Tulum Si eres de las personas que quieren viajar a esta maravillosa zona arqueológica de México pero no sabes cómo hacerlo, a continuación te mostraremos como hacerlo. Zona Arqueológica de Tulum Tulum es la Única Zona arqueológica en México que se asienta a la orilla del mar. You can organize a tour before hand or pay for one at the door.

¿Cómo llegar? These extensive ruins are located not far from the wonderful city of Cancun. Realmente, la zona arqueológica Tulum se encuentra ubicada dentro del parque nacional homónimo. Please visit here if you are in Tulum. Many tourists, however it still has i's charm.Nice site to see. Oh man what a day . I recommend getting a tour guide. We did not do the paid tour but we were able to listen in on enough talks that we were able to walk away more educated.

Es posible acceder con traje de baño y toalla para nadar en la playa, pero no se permite el acceso de alimentos ni bultos de gran tamaño. Before my wife and I came to Tulum for our honeymoon in October of 2018, we watched tons of their videos of things to do in Quintana Roo. The day we came we got there when the place was opening up so it wasnt packed at all yet. We did Chichen Itza on this same trip, so obviously the comparison must be noted, but Tulum still holds it's own compared to the much grander Chichen Itza. We didn't head the internets advice and went midday and as expected it was packed with tourists. Once inside it's really like you've stepped back in time , it made me feel like I was with my Mayan ancestors. Ok it was very hot and we really enjoyed the walk the ruins, the beach and a-lot a-lot of iguanas . La zona arqueológica de Tulum es uno de los principales sitios turísticos de la Riviera Maya. They were built towards the end of the Mayan empire, so historically, they are very interesting. are amazing in structure - wonderful to see them still standing after more than 500 to 800 years! Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla. There are stairs to access the beach and you can get in the water too if you bring a bathing suit. Learn something about my ancestors that were killed off. Frente al Castillo hay una plataforma para danzas y al suroeste se encuentra el Templo de la Serie Inicial, donde se encontró la fecha más temprana documentada en Tulum: 564 d.C.

Tel. Estudios arqueológicos publicados en los últimos años indican que existe evidencia consistente para asegurar que Tulum habría sido una de las principales ciudades mayas de los siglos XIII y XIV.