Some of the most legendary nights on the skite take place in The ultimate seal of approval, expressing one’s appreciation for something. At least they gave a little bit of a warning to those below! I'M A FREELANCE WRITER IN THE PROCESS OF COMPLETING A…Geordie. Anna.Karenina Badges: 20.

Pick up a book of words that are distinctive to the Scottish dialect. It can also be used sarcastically when someone’s telling lies or exaggerating a story.Used to tell someone to be quiet or shut up. Geordies call Newcastle the toon because that’s how they’d pronounce the word ‘town’. 19 Things Only Scottish People Say. by Iona St Joseph. In one study from the University of Arizona, scientists found that the average cell phone contains about Right now, you can get a CleanTray sterilizer at a 12 percent discount for In short, it’s still a mystery why people decided that beans were an ideal food to describe spilling secrets. Scots would tell you there is no better fizzy juice than an ice-cold can of Irn-Bru.Used to tell someone to go away (sometimes followed by the F-word in particularly heated circumstances). Bend and shout, we’ll clap about In a family circle. Our Mission to create an easy to use platform, that allows users alternative methods to process written information. Many speakers with a Scottish accent use the same or a very similar vowel for words in these two sets. Yet another expression that is nowhere close to what you’d expect in English. Caught/Cot.

Share: I think it's safe to say that every year when some random newspaper/magazine comes out with a poll stating which country boasts the sexiest of all accents, we all get a little flummoxed. Often said with endearment.Supermarket or grocery items. Geordie is a regional dialect of English, which refers to a native person from Newcastle Upon Tyne or the inhabitants of the surrounding areas of Tyne and Wear. (This phrase is never really used by Scottish people, but it is often used by non-Scottish people attempting to recreate a Scottish accent for reasons best known to themselves) Gaelic was spoken in central and northern areas. Go to first unread Skip to page: This discussion is closed. Here are 8 Geordie accent words that will surprise you brighten up your day. I think there’s one less beer to worry about. WHEN I AM NOT BROWSING THE EXPLORE FEED ON INSTAGRAM (MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM) I ENJOY TAKING PHOTOGRAPHS, BAKING AND ONLINE SHOPPING.The Best First Date Spots In Newcastle You Need To Go To15 Things Only People Who Grew Up In Leyburn UnderstandThe Best First Date Spots In Newcastle You Need To Go ToYou Know You Are From Newcastle Upon Tyne If You Relate To This List12 Types Of People You’ll Run Into When In BirminghamI Tried Newcastle’s All You Can Eat Restaurant Za Za BazaarThe Best First Date Spots In Newcastle You Need To Go To10 Restaurants With the Best Outside Seating In Newcastle The fact that a simple word like potato can be said in such a different way by people of the same country.

According to a lecturer of English Language at Newcastle University, this is related to the origin of the word “Tun” used in the old English spoken by the Anglo-Saxons.“Varry Canny” is a Geordie way to say that everything is alright, and there is nothing the rest of the world can do about it. In other words, ‘having a right old blether’.It is not ideal to have a heid full o’ mince, as it implies that the words that come out of a person’s mouth are, quite frankly, nonsensical.There is little more pleasing to the ear than the sing-songy tones of a Scottish voice – but you’d be mistaken in thinking that local slang is the same everywhere. So, if you ever hear this expression from a Northerner, don’t take it too personal, smile and respond back to them “Fine thank you”.Another Geordie expression that will make you wonder if this dialect can actually be considered English or a completely foreign language.