I am completely pleased with the quick response that I received in our time of need for our dog, Jasmine. Exposure to the cold or certain viruses can cause your dog to catch a cold, but thankfully it's not a dangerous disease if you know how to help your dog overcome it.. The site and services are provided "as is" with no warranty or representations by JustAnswer regarding the qualifications of Experts. Dog Leaking Urine When Lying Down: Why It Happens and What to Do! As long as it fits your pooch, then it will work. Circulatory problems can be caused by anemia, heart defects, or even tumors that are bleeding internally. So if I feed my dogs frozen dog yogurt, if theyI have cats and a dog. NMother dog holds only 1 puppy in her mouth frequently - why never the other one. Cold Paws After Surgery. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. when we feel his mouth and gums very cold to the touch. I'm sorry - I'm on east coast time and had to sign off! Make sure that your insertion is about an inch deep.To get an accurate reading, you need to let the digital thermometer stay in until it signals for you to take it out. When it comes to severe cases, your vet will administer IV that has been warmed to bring your dog’s temperature up. Give him a blanket or a small sweater to wear. What could this beMy dog's gums are white. Dogs can suffer from colds just like us. The cold-causing viruses that infect humans rarely cross to canines, and vice-versa.So don’t blame yourself if you fell victim to a virus during the cold season. Another possible cause, and one that would explain the gum color as well is a low red blood cell count such as with internal bleeding. Is it possible she has a cold?This may sound like an odd question but I am really seeking the answer. Help, my dog has cold paws after surgery. If your dog feels cold to touch, then he is likely freezing or chilly from the low temperature.The first thing you need to do is turn up the heat in your home or The sweater doesn’t even have to be specifically for pets. It will likely make a beeping sound when it is done. Make sure that it is clean and properly disinfected. He was out in the cold for about an hour, but he is used to it, and likes to be in his doghouse which has strMy dog is 13 years old and over the past 48 hours she is very sluggish. Walked in DOG PARK. JustAnswer is not intended or designed for EMERGENCY questions which should be directed immediately by telephone or in-person to qualified professionals.Ask-a-doc Web sites: If you've got a quick question, you can try to get an answer from sites that say they have various specialists on hand to give quick answers... Justanswer.com.JustAnswer.com...has seen a spike since October in legal questions from readers about layoffs, unemployment and severance.Traffic on JustAnswer rose 14 percent...and had nearly 400,000 page views in 30 days...inquiries related to stress, high blood pressure, drinking and heart pain jumped 33 percent.Tory Johnson, GMA Workplace Contributor, discusses work-from-home jobs, such as JustAnswer in which verified Experts answer people’s questions.I will tell you that...the things you have to go through to be an Expert are quite rigorous.30+ yrs dog home vet care & nursing, rescue, behavior&training, responsible show breeding, genetics30+ yrs dog home vet care & nursing, rescue, behavior&training, responsible show breeding, genetics30+ yrs dog home vet care & nursing, rescue, behavior&training, responsible show breeding, geneticsMy two year old lab is cold to the touch. This was one of the first symptoms my dog showed.

With the help of some stylish sweaters, they might even come to love winter.It is vital to understand that dogs cannot be left outside for extended periods if it is below freezing.Outdoor dogs are at risk for frostbite, hypothermia, and even death if they’re not properly cared for in cold weather.If you have an “outside” dog, don’t make the mistake of thinking a doghouse and bedding are enough to keep them warm.While a shelter from wind, snow, and ice are good, there is a point where they need to come indoors for their own protection.Outside dogs should have the option of a heated structure, or better yet – bring them into your home until the weather is safe for them to be back outside.In many states and cities, letting a dog stay outside in frigid temperatures is considered animal cruelty, and a chargeable offense.If your pet shares your house with you, you should still be careful keeping them outside in bad weather.Frostbite or hypothermia are serious, but entirely preventable conditions.As mentioned earlier, anything below freezing will become a problem in a short amount of time.The duration a dog can tolerate freezing temperatures will depend on their size, age.So paying attention to your dog’s body language is essential.Good news for us humans: thousands of years of dogs evolving alongside people means we can read them pretty effectively, provided we pay attention.This one is probably obvious, but a shivering dog is ready to come inside and warm up.If they do this inside, it could be an indication you need to bump up the heat a little.Dogs will curl up in a round “croissant” shape when they feel chilly.Dogs with long, fluffy tails will often use it to cover their nose against the cold.Large dogs can forget their size very quickly when they see you as a heat source.If your dog isn’t acting as spry as they usually do, and their ears are feeling icy, then they’ve probably had enough of the cold.They might even limp if the cold has caused a leg to become stiff and achy.While they can’t swear at the weatherman when they find out the cold temps aren’t going anywhere, they can protest in other ways.If their ears are cold, they’re whining, and the thermometer just dropped, they’re probably complaining about the cold.There are several ways you can keep your dog comfortable during freezing weather.Even if they hate wearing the hat grandma knitted them, they don’t have to suffer from cold ears all season.Providing extra bedding (bonus points for snuggly blankets), limiting playtime outside, and doggie winter gear all go a long way in keeping your baby toasty when the arctic blast hits.If you’re cuddling with your pet and think to yourself, “my dog’s ears are cold,” it’s rarely anything you should call your vet over.Any of the additional symptoms we talked about require your attention, but usually, their ears are cold simply because it’s cold outside.So when cold ears only happen when the weather takes a turn, and your dog displays no other changes, you can rest easy.Be sensitive to your dog’s needs, bust out the sherpa blanket, and take advantage of your dog’s extra cuddly demeanor.A warm, furry bundle is just the thing to keep you warm while you wait for spring.As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.