Upon seeing how miserable Brandon looks, Nikki feels terrible for putting some of his time on helping her with Daisy and not helping with his Fuzzy Friends project. ALSO!!! I want to help as much as I can, but sometimes ideas can take a turn. Now she still has to decide about which summer plan she'll go with. Soon enough, Brianna eats so much of Nikki's candy, it hurts her stomach. Nikki doesn't have much time to continue because she has to go see the new Princess Sugar Plum movie with Brianna later. First off, it doesn’t matter if u get a shoutout, but saying names and then say everyone else doesn’t change anything.

: for being the sweetest friend and always being positive!!? With MacKenzie and Tiffany thwarted, Nikki is happy that everything is gonna be alright. They never get shout outs from there names. No one should feel bad. : for being funny and kind and lighting up every single minute!The ?

You guys are all my Dorky Friends!

!Unicorn Dork: for being a kind and great friend but also share some same problems!This is for my school friends. MacKenzie tries to duck her way out of the situation, but Tiffany pulls her back in and reveals that she swapped Brandon and André's letters to confuse them and Nikki. She closes it and tells them that she has to go home right away. Brandon comes by to see what Nikki is up to before school and sees she is having trouble keeping Daisy under control.

Please feel free to post your comments below.Wow, you have a bad problem, you just need to chill out and take some deep breaths, and then look at the choices, I am like Nikki, I am a Dork like her, but I don’t care, when I go through a though choice of 4 different kinds of people at school, it is either a kind friend that is a Dork like me, a nerd that wears glasses to help them see, a boy that has a crush on me, and the CCPs, I always choose the kind friend that is a Dork like me and sometimes the CCPs as well, so that might helpthis looks really cool! He’s such a sweet guy—of course he wants to help those adorable puppies! She arrives at Queasy Cheesy to meet with Brandon, but it doesn't seem like he is going to show up. Nikki is suffering from Crush-itis due to her crush on Brandon. Nikki wishes she could have been an only child after such an experience. When she leaves, she realizes she left her backpack in there. These are the shoutouts I’ve been willing to give:Candi_SugarPumpkin: For being sweet but also sharing some interests we have! It was released on June 5, 2012. Though I do not use her for answers and stuff! "In Nikki Maxwell’s newest diary, it’s the countdown to the end of the school year, and Nikki’s juggling some big questions about how she’ll spend her summer. (Also known as KidWhiz, on this website. He suggests that he help her teach Daisy a think or two about obedience. I did put a lot of time into making sure Brandon in fact says "shot" and not "got". I’d like to apologise for starting the #ShutDownShoutouts hashtag.

I can always ask YOU for help and use your amazing advice! Tomorrow, Nikki will get to meet Andrea. Nikki tries to talk to Brandon to set things right and get him to understand, but he has to work on his Fuzzy Friends project. It’s okay Bambi! Zoey and Chloe hope they'll get their own TV shows from this, which Nikki seems skeptical about due to Since Nikki is still worried about what Andrea will be like, Chloe and Zoey tell her to send her an e-mail and ask some questions. But he only did so because he overheard their plot to cyberbully Nikki and took it so that he would have proof about it. So, Chloe, Zoey, Brandon, MacKenzie, and I compromised by each selecting our OWN set of winners.This means we have TWICE the number of winners than I had originally planned!Okay, now it’s time to announce the exciting news that you’ve been waiting for.

Nikki thinks she knows the truth about André now because the photo she hadn't seen before shows him with MacKenzie and Tiffany.