Its content is produced independently of USA TODAY.Jessica Martinez is a freelance writer from Clayton, North Carolina. The Krampus monsters are often linked to legends of succubus and incubus, the nocturnal, sexually predatory demons. Others throw a baby’s recently liberated tooth on their roofs.Residents in a small Northern Community take part in baby jumping, called El Colacho, to keep the devil at bay. In Taiwan ancient Chinese customs have been preserved. Tooth filling in Indonesia: In Bali, a rather peculiar ritual is performed by both genders before marriage. Chile takes a great deal of pride in its long history, impressive geography, unique culture, and its religious and indigenous roots. Pointing with the Lips. Bizarre & Weird Festivals in Spain . As you can probably imagine, pine or fir trees are difficult to come by in … Incan influences reign supreme in the north, while central areas feature flavors from Spain (Chileans are also into tapas) and Germany (try Kuchen [cake] for dessert). One of the most interesting cultural traditions in Chile takes place on the islands of the Chiloe archipelago - the minga. Gentlemen then try to get a hold of the goose as they jump from their boat. They believe that this pleases the dead soul as it finds a resting place in their bodies.Next time you see something strange, do by all means turn your head, but please don’t jump to the conclusion that people are crazy, mad or stupid. Although you might look rather strange doing this in public, would you rather have a cloud of bad luck looming over you forever? The food in Chile is not only unique and delicious — it’s also about as diverse a cuisine as everything else in the second longest country in the world, which makes sense given the enormous range of climates, soil, and ecosystems at play. Lucky yellow For Chileans, yellow is a colour of luck – they wear yellow underwear on New Year’s Eve, exam days and other important events where luck is needed, so make sure you pack a pair of yellow undies before your trip to Chile! Fight the urge to rub it better, as Chileans believe that if you leave the pain to improve on its own, you’re bound to receive a present from someone soon.If you do drop your wallet or purse on the floor, make sure you pick it back up quickly, as if it’s there for longer than a second it’s a sign that you’ll lose money soon.On the other hand, a good omen is that if your left hand is itchy, you should refrain from scratching it, even subconsciously, as it indicates that you’re likely to come into some money soon. After chants and prayers, the snakes are sprinkled with a mixture of turmeric and red powder and offered a mix of honey and milk, after which they are released into the temple courtyard. This is usually had in the early evening, as lunch is the main meal, consisting as it does of three courses eaten at around 2pm.A post shared by Proyecto Once (@proyecto.once) on A very common show of affection in South America, Chile in particular, is adding ‘Chileans supposedly eat the second largest amount of bread in the world, so it would only be suitable that they have a favourite bread, which is the Chileans love an extra kick in their food, whether they’re adding It’s a little surreal and rather comical that as you walk the streets on game day, you’ll see a television per square meter of the city centre, with clusters of fans drawing in close to watch.

Check out 10 strange American traditions at HowStuffWorks. Teeth tossing in Greece: Some cultures pop children’s teeth under their pillows and wait for a swap with cold hard cash by a fairy. During Nag Panchami, people dance to the music carrying snakes in pots which are placed on their head and join the procession towards the temple. Piercings in India: It is strange how Hindus show their devotion to the Lord through piercing their body parts including the tongue. Foot binding in China: Young girls were compelled to go through the painful process of foot binding. The Nag Panchami festival in India: This festival is all about worshipping snakes that are specially gathered for the occasion. This competition is a test of their strength, endurance, and agility, which would make them eligible to wed the woman they adore. Flocks of witches riding broomsticks were said to soar the skies, and the Czechs believed that the bonfires would bring them down in flames.

Across the country, communities celebrate with parades, air shows, festivals, patriotic decorations and indigenous foods. If it’s a fork, then a female visitor is expected to arrive, whereas if a knife falls, it’ll be a man.If you realise that you’ve left something behind and have to go back for it, Chilean superstition dictates that before returning, you must either sit down three times or touch wood three times.