Vulcain Watch Repair Join thousands of satisfied customers and have your Vulcain watch repaired the fast, convenient, and hassle-free way. by year. All modern Longines watches are crafted according to the norms of the Swiss watchmaking industry (NIHS) and are water-resistant to 30, 50, 100 or 300 metres, depending on the model of watch. We will answer all emails. Need help finding the serial number on your watch? No Vulcain serial numbers by year table exists, so I'm afraid you can't really narrow the date of manufacture any further. It's a Vulcain 120 movement, which was manufactured between 1947 and 1963. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Up to what depth are Longines watches water-resistant and when should I check the water-resistance? "Winged Hourglass" (actually a winged clepsydra for those who care about such things) is the oldest registered trademark for a watch company, having been registered in 1880. In addition, the shipping costs and import duties linked to the sending of a watch for authentication are payable by the client. This service in charged %PRICE% . DIAL & HANDS: The dial is really the undisputed star on this watch: an amazing contrasting four-quadrant linen pattern undoubtedly produced by the Guilloche method. Find a service center

Contact Us Please have in mind that the time table for the Longines serial numbers is not 100% accurate but very close to +/- … The Elgin and Hamilton were dated by serial number, while the Gruen was dated by an inscription on the back. Send & Service My Watch I recently acquired another UltraChron with the Olympian logo, also with a 50 million + serial number. If you own a Longines watch and wish to request one of these services, please contact us using the form on the Judging by the dial design, I'd say it's probably closer to the latter. The external back also shows some small marks but is stamped for steel and with its serial number and the apertures for the resonance of the alarm are undamaged, Excellent externally. Click here for an explanation and example of how to use our serial number tables. {"X-Forwarded-Proto":"https","Authorization":"Basic cmVmbGV0OnNlbmlnbm9s","Cache-Control":"max-age=86400","Host":"","X-Forwarded-For":",,,,","Via":"1.1 (AkamaiGHost), 1.1 (AkamaiGHost), 1.1 (AkamaiGHost), 1.1 (AkamaiGHost)","Akamai-Origin-Hop":"4","Accept-Encoding":"gzip","Connection":"keep-alive","Te":"chunked;q=1.0","X-Akamai-Config-Log-Detail":"true","X-User-Country":"GB","X-User-Coords":"52.47,-1.92","True-Client-Ip":"","X-Akamai-Edgescape":"georegion=2,country_code=UK,region_code=EN,city=BIRMINGHAM,lat=52.47,long=-1.92,timezone=GMT,continent=EU,throughput=vhigh,bw=5000,network=talktalk,asnum=13285,location_id=0","Cookie":"AKA_A2=A; form_key=eXgdVYyJDybOIEKb; mage-cache-storage=%7B%7D; mage-cache-storage-section-invalidation=%7B%7D; mage-cache-sessid=true; mage-messages=; recently_viewed_product=%7B%7D; recently_viewed_product_previous=%7B%7D; recently_compared_product=%7B%7D; recently_compared_product_previous=%7B%7D; product_data_storage=%7B%7D; _gcl_au=1.1.1921960896.1595529993; _ga=GA1.2.1124389443.1595529993; _gid=GA1.2.2073717517.1595529993; __as_rng=729; user_allowed_save_cookie=%7B%221%22%3A1%7D; longines-hide-widgetcookies=true; longines-cookiesstatus-social=true; longines-cookiesstatus-advertisement=true; _fbp=fb.1.1595530027258.959717838; PHPSESSIDZEND=06lp1jn4eodoq5k94dba8a5t27","Accept-Language":"en-US,en;q=0.9","Referer":"https:\/\/\/","Sec-Fetch-Dest":"document","Sec-Fetch-Mode":"navigate","Sec-Fetch-Site":"none","Accept":"text\/html,application\/xhtml+xml,application\/xml;q=0.9,image\/webp,image\/apng,*\/*;q=0.8,application\/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9","User-Agent":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/84.0.4147.89 Safari\/537.36","Upgrade-Insecure-Requests":"1"}

serial number: year: serial number: year: 50,842: 1972: 53,902: 1980: 52,216: 1974: 55,300: 1982: 53,478: 1977 Welcome to our Vulcain watch parts page. Longines serial numbers. To start this off we are going to take a look at a 60’s (apprx) Vulcain Diver I bought off of eBay. At the bottom is an "I need information on an antique watch" section with a link to a page that will let … The original serial number 2'082'251 identifies a hunter pocket watch in metal. This means Longines is able to provide a service that is greatly appreciated amongst admirers of the brand the world over and is available only to watch owners who have had their timepiece for a certain amount of time. These watches are typical of the "Deco" style of the teens and 20's. The value depends on fluctuations in the antiques market, the nature of supply and demand, the watch's state of preservation and operation, and many other criteria that require a specialist's opinion. Is your chance to get a fair estimate of when your Longines watch was originally produced. You simply look up your serial number and place it in the shown table. Free estimate & free insured UPS shipping label The Winged Hourglass logo first appeared on Longines watches in about 1867.

From a simple battery replacement to a complete restoration, our Swiss trained watchmakers perform a wide range of repairs with precision. "Thank you for your email and interest in Longines watches.Following your request, I have the pleasure to give you here below the information I found in our old hand-written registers :The serial number 2'422'066 identifies a hunter pocket watch in silver 0.900.It is fitted with a Longines manufacture caliber 18.50 that was first produced in 1889.It was invoiced to Messrs.’ Perusset, who were for many years our agent for Argentina, on 21.01.1911.Hopping this information is convenient to you, I remain at your entire disposal for any additional information you may require. The "New Haven" was dated by looking at the style of the watch. Note the thick hands, engraved patterns and bold design of all of these watches.

This site uses cookies. Vulcain is an interesting brand with a long history in watch making. Vulcain Rose gold 42mm Manual winding 100505.022, Vulcain, cricket dual time new Historical information about a Longines watch. Be sure to use the serial number on the movement (the works) of the watch. No country that I'm aware of has a hallmark dating system anywhere near as precise as the UK one... appears to have been recased as Graham pointed out earlier in this thread... What the mark on the left hand side of the case is I cannot fathom out and I daresay we will never know.If I got things right the Milan Universal Exhibition was in 1906. CLICK HERE FOR QUESTIONS: To contact Beatrice, go to the FAQ page at To find out more about cookies and how to manage them, please see our Longines has meticulously recorded each of its watches' serial numbers since 1867. If you need a price quote on a part just reference the make "Vulcain", "the caliber number" followed by our "item number".