Lembaga Pembangunan Internasional Amerika Serikat (bahasa Inggris: United States Agency for International Development, USAID) adalah badan independen dari pemerintahan Amerika Serikat yang bertanggung jawab atas bantuan untuk bidang ekonomi, pembangunan, dan kemanusiaan untuk negara-negara lain didunia dalam mendukung tujuan-tujuan kebijakan luar negeri Amerika Serikat. We have been there to provide relief after natural disasters, such as earthquakes, or cataclysmic events, such as the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.USAID is proud of the role we have played in helping Indonesia develop to become a regional democratic leader in Southeast Asia and a distinguished member of the G-20 group of most developed nations.We will continue to partner with Indonesia as the country continues to address and overcome the political, economic, and social challenges that still lie before it.Based on mutual respect and shared values, the U.S. Mission works with Indonesia to improve lives and advance progress in Indonesia. USAID IUWASH PLUS. In Indonesia, the number of people from marginalized communities seeking legal aid through USAID partners increased more than tenfold between 2018 and 2017 thanks to our advocacy and technical assistance, contributin… We have supported government efforts to improve maternal and child health, and increase agricultural output. Program USAID Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Penyehatan Lingkungan untuk Semua (IUWASH PLUS) merupakan sebuah inisiatif untuk mendukung Pemerintah Indonesia dalam meningkatkan akses air minum dan layanan sanitasi serta perbaikan perilaku higiene bagi masyarakat miskin dan kelompok rentan di perkotaan. 1. Indonesia is the world’s largest Muslim-majority country and third largest democracy.
USAID PRESTASI Scholarship Program Cultivates Changemakers Indonesian youth participating in a USAID funded training. Indonesia’s sustained ability to resist extremist influences and maintain steady economic growth is critical to regional security and global trade, making it an important partner to the United States. The Indonesian Government requested assistance to overcome food shortages, solve critical health problems, rehabilitate transportation facilities and develop industries.USAID has partnered with Indonesia in developing the country’s infrastructure and economy.

Indonesia menikmati pertumbuhan ekonomi yang stabil dan muncul sebagai pemimpin di kawasannya.

By partnering with the Government of Indonesia, the U.S. Government, through USAID, advances shared economic and security interests to reinforce a stable, self-reliant and resilient Indonesia. Berikut pesan Pak Bill - Wakil Direktur USAID Indonesia - tentang # WorldZoonosesDay2020 # Tahukahkamu bahwa Senin 6 Juli adalah # HariZoonosisSedunia?

Indonesia and the United States first began working together in 1950 when they signed their first economic and technical cooperation agreement. USAID partners with the Indonesian Government and the private sector to equip poor and vulnerable youth aged 18-34 with the skills and resources needed to compete in Indonesia’s job market. The Indonesian Government requested assistance to overcome food shortages, solve critical health problems, rehabilitate transportation … Tetapi, Indonesia menghadapi tantangan pembangunan di bidang lingkungan hidup dan lainnya. Seringkali terjadi gempa bumi, letusan gunung berapi ataupun tanah longsor. Initial U.S. development support for Indonesia addressed the most urgent needs. Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang paling rawan bencana di dunia. USAID PRESTASI Membentuk Para Pembawa Perubahan About Indonesia Indonesia adalah negara dengan kekuatan ekonomi terbesar di Asia Tenggara dan memiliki keanekaragaman hayati terkaya di … We have helped to tackle widespread problems of poverty, unstable food supplies and rampant infectious disease. Indonesia merupakan negara demokrasi terbesar ketiga di dunia, perekonomian terbesar di Asia Tenggara dan menjadi rumah bagi beberapa jenis keanekaragaman hayati terkaya di dunia.

As a member of the G20 and the biggest market in Southeast Asia, it is a significant player in the global economy. Through results-driven investment, USAID works with the Government of Indonesia, local leaders, the private sector, civil society and other development partners to strengthen a just and accountable democracy, expand basic services, and enhance mutual security and prosperity. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Jalin project partners with the Indonesian Ministry of Health to reduce maternal and newborn deaths. Hari ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk sebagai waktu untuk merenungkan kembali penyakit yang menular dari hewan ke manusia. USAID/Indonesia.

Indonesia and the United States first began working together in 1950 when they signed their first economic and technical cooperation agreement. USAID partners with Indonesia to tackle a problem faced by four out of 10 Indonesians – lack of access to clean water and sanitation. Hampir setengah dari kabupaten/kota yang ada di Indonesia - dimana jutaan orang menghuni daerah pesisir dan menjadi bagian dari masyarakat pesisir - menghadapi risiko tsunami setiap saat. Initial U.S. development support for Indonesia addressed the most urgent needs.