Summary of main steps of DA Assessment The residents of Chinderah are in a low density zone, and the traditional country roots of the area are important to the local community. The input of different areas of Council in assessing DAs The suitability of the site for the development Allowing one extra level would create a precedent and lead to further height violations.

Some developments may also require approval by another authority (eg the Heritage Council or the Department of Environment and Conservation.) The likely impacts of the development From time to time Council will review its LEPs.

The NSW Planning system sets out how a DA must be assessed.
My husband and myself have been away for the last month and returned to building work that is going on towards the rear of our property. She also has concerns over the correct removal of asbestos from the pre-existing shed roof which is being converted to the new building. Uki enjoys increasing visitors and further shops (with residence) next to the existing shops will only add to our town. We are the two properties most effected by this! The main issue here is that there is literally only a meter between our rear fence and the new build! This independent project is run by a local charity, the

Thank you for taking the time to read my concerns, and I hope that we can all work together to create a proposal that benefits everyone in the community.I, Cathryn Cole, wish to lodge a formal complaint and oppose the application lodged with the Tweed Heads Council by Planit Consulting for Consent DA07/0361 Lot 1 Section 4 on DP758571 – 37 Kingscliff Street Kingscliff NSW In addition to those matters listed above, Council is also required to consider submissions to the application, whether made by concerned residents or state authorities or instrumentalities. This is a very broad consideration and requires that Council assesses how your development responds to its urban or natural setting.

I would hope that under this new development, traffic and roads will be taken into account around the area. Any draft environmental planning instrument that has been placed on public exhibition If sensitively designed to enhance the heritage listed bank beside this property, I fully support this development.This is not in keeping with current Kingscliff height guidelines and should not be allowed. The most famous property rights case of the 1990s that involved a regulatory setback was Lucas versus South Carolina Coastal Council (112 S.Ct. The documents seemingly available on the TSC website all relate to DAs for Banora Point? Any submissions made and the public interest

mobile: 0468464673Question?

Street setback (front yard) The setback of buildings from the back edge of public pavement influences a range of issues. Leave Jack Evans Boat Harbour alone . The recent floods in Chinderah would have been made even worse should the proposed site have been filled. As there are more property developments being built on McAllisters Rd at this present stage, the number of cars are going to increase on this narrow road. What matters are taken into account in Council’s DA Assessment? This would also restrict the breezes which currently flow through to the streets behind.We don’t think there is the need for a high school ATM and 18a and 18 B should be used for housing In regards to Development Application No. The buidlings should be constructed on pillars (like the BP Beenleigh South/Yatala) with flood water free to move under the buildings. It sounds like the complainant is in the same situation as the potential holiday makers; has a vehicle which adds to the parking problem, is employed suggesting a disposable income which may be used to holiday and has children similar to the typical holiday-maker demographic. It could be used as a tourism information center, community building/Hall etc not just for a temporary duration , but as a permanent building to benefit the community.The project does have some merit, however it shouldn't be destroying the quality of life of the surrounding residents. I have an opposing view in that I support the application especially if the intended use is to boost tourism in Kingy. No one needs an observation wheel cluttering up the few open spaces left in Tweed headsThis is bad idea.

Tweed Shire Council 1 - Tweed Development Control Plan Section A1 - Residentialand TouristCode Part C – Residential Flat Buildings and Shop-top Housing. As such they are not contained in EPIs but are applied consistently by Council in the determination of DAs. Town Housing occurs throughout the Shire within residential areas on larger lots. About this Plan This Plan is a standard instrument local environmental plan under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.