Necessary? Mac does a double take about taking a boat out onto the ocean, since that’s an experience 3468 hasn’t had yet, but something that Grant McLaren was probably very familiar with.Then he makes his big mistake. Of course he knows who the Pattersons are. When David’s mom heard that his father had died, she refused to believe it. Grace and Philip are the two people who already knew this.Kat leads Mac down to the waterfront, to a spot with several large boulders on the shoreline. He treated every person like they were a gift.”It’s a lovely speech.

He’s always known that this was how he was going to die.They’ve decided on a plan of action. Enough to go up against the Director! She used white as the color of her house, and white and blue on the loft. Back then, he told her to solve her own problems. No, of course not. Has that little minx Grace been secretly working on Ilsa and the Director?Grace tells Ilsa that she has something she’d like Ilsa to look at.

This isn’t how he thought his first meeting with the Director would go. I love reading other people’s ideas.

She asks if it’s a real offer. Like all of the Travelers except Philip, 3569’s natural inclination is to stand back and watch the course of events without interfering, unless ordered to do so. They climb up onto one of the boulders and she comments that this spots brings back memories. None of them happened here.Kat finally tells him that this is the place where they met. Jim didn’t make it and David is acting as the contact person for his friends and family. The show premiered in Canada on October 17, 2016, and worldwide on … I did hope they would wait until Trevor’s body was clearly an adult, and he’d graduated from high school, to put them together, and the show did that.

But that didn’t matter. I’m glad he formed a friendship/relationship with this Grace too, but it had to take a while to feel real to the viewers, I think.Mac’s relationship with Kat has always highlighted how utterly *creepy* it is, that the Travelers are essentially killing someone, then walking around in their body. There really needs to be a committee that has regular chats with the Director about its moral dilemmas and philosophical misconceptions.Guesses on Trevor’s age?

The result is a smooth and fluid movement… A balance between the ability to inhibit and facilitate movement is critical to making normal, smooth movements, and the proper functioning of the basal ganglia is essential to maintaining that balance. Oh, it just happened again.”Trevor: “It’s just gonna keep happening, Grace. 23 December 2018 | cyberperro He’s devastated. Trevor tells Abby that … That’s why we’re here. When Carly tells him she works for the FBI and he can talk to her boss, the manager wants proof. I’m happy…” He freezes. This is a goodbye dinner.These two are my baseline for comparison with all of the other relationships in the show. Don’t jeopardize your cover.Protocol 2H: Historian updates are not to be discussed with anyone. As a result of testing the conscious transfer tech and having had several host bodies, Trevor is one of the oldest people in recorded history. 0115 has lived a very long life and the host is young and healthy, so the Director is going to send a new Traveler into the body. My wife and I were the first two successful consciousness transfers. So glad he has Grace’s friendship, wisdom, and support….My favorite Grace line from this ep: “Oh, like the time you took Grace Day into the woods and tried to save her from being overwritten? It’s a tribute to the facade Jim wore.

He backs off.Philip and Carly will help Trevor build the implant. Philip checks on Poppy. Should the patient try to stay alive for as long as possible, by any means possible, in order to have as much time with loved ones as they can and time to finish lifetime goals? Thus, his balls are still in her purse. Shouldn’t he be living on some nice, safe smoothies and protein drinks?When it’s time to bring Ilsa onto the project, Teslia lets Grace and Mac into the lab and asks if it’s possible for him to stay “this time”.