This was a military corps founded by Gorgidas and consisting of 300 infantrymen linked in homoerotic pairs, the idea being soldiers would fight better if their lover were at their side.

... Penguin Classics,... About the Author. The death of Cassander in 297 BC created a power vacuum throughout much of Greece, which contributed, in part, to Thebes' besiegement by Thanks to its wealth, the city was selected by the Frankish dynasty de la Roche as its capital, before it was permanently moved to Athens. Thebes, Modern Greek Thíva, dímos (municipality) and city, Central Greece (Modern Greek: Stereá Elláda) periféreia (region). In 404 BC, they had urged the complete destruction of Athens; yet, in 403 BC, they secretly supported the restoration of its democracy in order to find in it a counterpoise against Sparta. After 1240, the Saint Omer family controlled the city jointly with the de la Roche dukes. Today, about 23,000 people live there.

It lies on the border of Boeotia and Attica. In the early to mid-third millennium, there is evidence of fortified buildings with rock-cut foundations, stone-paved courtyards, mud-brick walls and drains.From 2500 BCE there is evidence of food and wool production and storage - grinding stones and terracotta loom-weights and spools, and From 1700 BCE the settlement became more dense, and during the 14th century BCE the site reached its Bronze Age peak during the Mycenaean period. Archeologists have found a Mycenean settlement.

Thebes is a city in Central Greece in Boetia.

With the loss of their two great generals, Theban dominance began to wane and Sparta and Athens would become the two major players in Greece.Ancient History Encyclopedia Foundation is a non-profit organization.

The fact that the modern town lies directly upon the historical site has created difficulties in reconstructing an accurate history for the ancient city.

On the acropolis of the ancient city stands the present commercial and agricultural centre of Thebes.

The city lies northwest of Athens (Athína) and was one of the chief cities and powers of ancient Greece. Carabatea, M. Greek Mythology.

The record of the earliest days of Thebes was preserved among the Greeks in an abundant mass of legends that rival the myths of Troy in their wide ramification and the influence that they exerted on the literature of the classical age. Ancient Greece Thebes was actually a city-state in Ancient Greece a little North to Athens. Five main cycles of story may be distinguished: He holds an MA in Political Philosophy and is the Publishing Director at AHE. It was a farming city-state ruled by an oligarchy. This means that land in Thebes was owned only by a few rich people. Thebes is a city in Central Greece in Boetia.

Athens and Thebes got into a war on an issue of land between these two city-states.

The castle built by In the modern Greek State, Thebes was the capital of the prefecture of Today, Thebes is a bustling market town, known for its many products and wares. It was an... Bibliography.

With the death of Philip was content to deprive Thebes of its dominion over Boeotia; but an unsuccessful revolt in 335 BC against his son Alexander spared only priests, leaders of the pro-Macedonian party and descendants of Ancient writings tend to treat Alexander's destruction of Thebes as excessive.Following Alexander the Great's death in 323 BC, Thebes was re-established in 315 BCCassander's plan for rebuilding Thebes called for the various Greek city-states to provide skilled labor and manpower, and ultimately it proved successful.Despite the restoration, Thebes never regained its former prominence.

Shortly after, in 362 BCE, Epaminondas fell in the indecisive Battle of Mantinea against a Spartan and Athenian led alliance. Thebes renewed rivalry with Athens, who had joined with them in 395 BC in fear of Sparta, but since 387 BC had endeavored to maintain the balance of power against its ally, prevented the formation of a Theban empire. Thank you!Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including We have also been recommended for educational use by the following publications:Some Rights Reserved (2009-2020) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted.Following the Dark Ages in Greece (c.1100 to 700 BCE), Thebes re-emerged as an influential

Mark is … Until the 1980s, it had a flourishing agrarian production with some industrial complexes.

It lies on the border of Boeotia and Attica. Thebes was once a super-power in Greece until the rise of Macedonia. Penguin Books, 1966. Thebes is a town in central Greece which has been continuously inhabited for five millennia. Today, about 23,000 people live there. The Penguin History of Greece. They have also found clay tablets written in Linear B script. At the However, the predominance of Thebes was short-lived, as the states that it protected refused to subject themselves permanently to its control.

Thebes was the largest city of the ancient region of The modern city contains an Archaeological Museum, the remains of the The record of the earliest days of Thebes was preserved among the Greeks in an abundant mass of legends that rival the myths of The Greeks attributed the foundation of Thebes to Cadmus, a Phoenician king from Archaeological excavations in and around Thebes have revealed As a fortified community, it attracted attention from the invading The central position and military security of the city naturally tended to raise it to a commanding position among the In the late 6th century BC, the Thebans were brought for the first time into hostile contact with the After the downfall of Athens at the end of the Peloponnesian War, the Thebans, having learned that Sparta intended to protect the states that Thebes desired to annex, broke off the alliance. The Sacred Band, used for the first time as an independent unit by Pelopidas, defeated the Spartans at the In 364 BCE Pelopidas was killed (but victorious) in the Battle of Kynoskephalai which forced Macedonia to join the Theban led Boiotian League.