Considered to be Fragonard's most successful painting, The Swing stands alone today as an emblem of Rococo art.

max resolution: The Swing Painter was an Attic black-figure vase painter, active in the third quarter of the sixth century BC. At first glance, the picture appears to be a simple image of an innocent young woman at play, but then it becomes clear that the picture is … Tags: The Swing depicts a young man - concealed in the foliage - who is watching a young woman on a swing. In Fragonard's world, adultery is but a devilishly gay way to pass the time. The picture depicts a young woman on a tree swing, being pushed by her husband. Added: 1 Jun, 2020 His phase of activity was roughly concurrent with that of Group E. An unusually large number of vases is ascribed to him, probably partially because his style is more distinctive than those of many of his contemporaries. The property had a large tree-lined garden which served as the scene for both paintings.

Add to album Commissioned by the notorious French libertine Baron de St. Julien as a portrait of his mistress, The Swing was to be painted to the following specificity: Considered to be Fragonard's most successful painting, The Swing stands alone today as an emblem of Rococo art. It is considered to be one of the masterpieces of the Rococo era, and is Fragonard's best known work. The combination of insouciant attitude, tongue-in-cheek eroticism, pastel swirls, and pastoral scenery creates an irresistible testament to the beauty of youth and illegitimate affairs. Renoir used to work on The Swing in the morning and on the Dance in the afternoon. The gardens and accompanying buildings are now …

This is a part of the Wikipedia article used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA). You entered the wrong email. Doyen, of the opinion that the painting was frivolous, refused the commission and passed it on to Fragonard. The Swing, also known as The Happy Accidents of the Swing, is an 18th-century oil painting by Jean-Honoré Fragonard in the Wallace Collection in London. This painting has influences many later works, from paintings to sculptures, the most recent being the animated feature film Tangled, created in the style of the painting.The Swing (French: L'Escarpolette), also known as The Happy Accidents of the Swing (French: Les Hasards heureux de l'escarpolette, the original title), is an 18th-century The young woman is clearly flirting with the young man in the foreground, of whom her husband is unaware. The Rococo era originated from the French decorative style Racaille meaning 'decorative shell and rock work'.For further information about Jean-Honoré Fragonard's contribution to the Rococo movement, please choose from the following recommended sources. In Fragonard's world, adultery is but a devilishly gay way to pass the time.Fragonard painted The Swing with the intention of flattering the Baron and his mistress, to supply them with a lighthearted, frivolous painting and to provide an intimate memento of their relationship. Renoir executed the painting in what are now the Musée de Montmartre gardens. Also know as The Happy Accidents of the Swing, this painting is considered one of the great master works of the Rococo era.

Analysis of The Swing (La Balancoire) by Renoir.