During the winter season, UNHCR also supports vulnerable families with vital , stoves and fuel for heating and insulation for tents.Syrian refugee family outside their shelter at Za'atari refugee camp, Jordan.The majority of Syria's refugees are hosted in five neighboring countries: Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt.

Families have suffered under brutal conflict that has killed hundreds of thousands of people, torn the nation apart, and set back the standard of living by decades. Thousands are living in refugee camps due to the Syrian civil war. War, violence and persecution have forced millions of families from their homes. For the children living in the dusty refugee camps near the Jordanian-Syrian border, the tiniest things spark joy. The destruction of civilian infrastructure and services has left millions with no way to support their families. The largest Syrian refugee camp in the world is located in Jordan, and the conditions here are much better than camps found in other parts of the world.
Approximately one in four people in Lebanon is a Syrian refugee. More than half the country’s population has been forced to flee their homes, including 6.6 million refugees seeking safety in neighboring countries and another 6.7 million who are internally displaced inside Syria. This camp called Zaatari is home to 3,000 refugee-owned businesses. Syrian refugee family outside their shelter at Za'atari refugee camp, Jordan. Less than half of primary school-aged children are enrolled in school and only one in three secondary and university aged students have access to education. Although Turkey houses more than 2.5 million Syrian refugees, their camps can only house 200,000 people. Many exist in Greece, where conditions are often dismal. Syrian Refugee Camps and Settlements. These businesses provide Human rights groups have raised concerns about the conditions that Syrian refugees are facing in Greek camps as they wait for asylum or relocation. Many of these camps are overcrowded, and refugees have reported https://borgenproject.org/wp-content/uploads/The_Borgen_Project_Logo_small.jpghttps://borgenproject.org/wp-content/uploads/The_Borgen_Project_Logo_small.jpgMyPo: New Innovation in 3D Printed Prosthetics in Paraguay Your gift will offer hope for a safe future.In 2019, UNHCR aims to support more than 5.5 million refugees living in neighboring countries and 11 million people inside Syria who are in extremely dangerous circumstances. 1310 L ST NW, STE 450, Washington, DC 20005 million Syrian refugees and 6.7 million more are displaced inside the country. You can help rush critical supplies like medicine, clean water, food and tents to desperate children and families. Most Syrian refugees live in urban areas, villages or spontaneously set-up tented settlements, with around only 10 percent accommodated in In Jordan, nearly 120,000 Syrians live in two camps: Za'atari and Azraq refugee camps. The majority of Syria's refugees are hosted in five neighboring countries: Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt. And those who remain in Syria struggle to meet basic needs. At Azraq refugee camp, approximately  of refugees are children, including 240 who are unaccompanied and separated.schools have been damaged, destroyed or used for shelter. This camp called Zaatari is home to 3,000 refugee-owned businesses.

"UNHCR is on the ground aiding Syrian refugees, but resources are stretched too thin. These businesses provide Iraq is home to more than 200,000 Syrian refugees, and all of these refugees are in Where are Syrian refugee camps in Europe?