
Middle school principals Corry Spies and Chris Nienhaus presented to Muscatine School’s Board of Education at its meeting on Monday, May 11, 2020, information on what is taking place to transform West Middle School into Susan Clark Junior High. On October 10, 1867, Susan and her father sued in district court for her to have the right to attend the public school. Nienhaus noted that Central and West staff have done a wonderful job transitioning and working together to unite as one. Susan Clark went on to become the first black graduate of a public school in Iowa – Muscatine High School – in 1871 and served as commencement speaker. Mr. Nienhaus reported that 98% of the scheduling is complete. The fourth of nine children, Paul Kemper had a lively childhood growing up with his two brothers...Muscatine Community School District offers public education from three year old preschool through high school. 2. Some residents of Muscatine may not know the story of Susan or her father, Alexander Clark, and for those who don’t, there is an opportunity to find out. It is a large open space with a 900 square foot room off to the side students and teachers can use for small group practice with two other office spaces for the band and orchestra teachers. Guidance counselors are continuing to balance exploratory classes and are reporting similar class sizes. There will be some teachers who are not assigned to teach their own classes all day. https://youtu.be/zUtehuiIhm4 WILTON, Iowa--Evan Reifert cannot remember a time when he did not enjoy playing baseball.
Middle school principals Corry Spies and Chris Nienhaus presented to Muscatine School’s Board of Education at its meeting on Monday, May 11, 2020, information on what is taking place to transform West Middle School into Susan Clark Junior High.In preparation for opening Susan Clark Junior High for Muskie 7th and 8th graders, district administrators and staff have been working diligently to make certain space is not an issue and that class sizes stay as low and manageable as possible. https://youtu.be/zUtehuiIhm4The MCSD Transportation Department is requesting parents who need transportation services for their child this coming school year to complete the Transportation Request Form. They are excited to become part of the new SCJH team and it shows in their willingness to work together to make the transition for students as seamless as possible. https://youtu.be/zUtehuiIhm4 WILTON, Iowa--Evan Reifert cannot remember a time when he did not enjoy playing baseball. Who was Susan Clark? Susan Clark Junior High FAQs. But it was young, teen Susan who walked the halls daily from 1868 to 1871 when she graduated with honors from MHS.Think of the courage, grace, and determination it took! How many teachers will be sharing rooms?

"As soon as I could pick up a... MUSCATINE, Iowa--10,000 pounds of produce sounds like a lot of food, but the Salvation Army of Muscatine Army easily found families who... Last I left you, I was into a learning project on how to sand and refinish a screened-in porch.

Those noted special education teachers will share a classroom but will be in the rooms at different times of the day.The gym floor is being resurfaced and sanded and will be re-painted with the Muskie “M” similar to the high school’s gymnasium floor. If the game does not autoplay, please click the play button. 2. Storage from Central will be brought to the room for instrument storage.The parking lot will be done this summer along with the main office space and a few classrooms that still need walls completed. This will open the space so that students can spread out during lunch, an added benefit during the coronavirus pandemic to allow students the ability to spread out.The district will be installing front signage this summer. The wall is insulated with thicker drywall/wood and is double insulated to help with soundproofing as it shares a wall with the gymnasium.The old wrestling room has transformed into the new band/orchestra area. Susan’s case was cited as precedence in this landmark U.S. school desegregation case.We can help our students, community, and state learn this important history by naming our juniorMuscatine doesn’t have any schools named after women–and Iowa and the U.S. have very few. When the Muscatine school board renamed the combined middle schools for her in 2019, many residents said they had never heard of her.Susan V. Clark was just thirteen years old when she became the first black student in the United States to integrate a public school through a court order. She had an older sister, Rebecca Clark Appleton, and a younger brother, Alexander Jr.In September 1865, “when the colored people declined renting their church for school purposes,” Susan and her siblings attended their neighborhood Public School No.
2 under the notion that it was a white school only. They won their case, but the school board appealed.

Susan Clark was 12 years old in 1867 in Muscatine when she was denied entry as an African-American to the all-white Grammar School No. There were only 35 black children in Muscatine at the time. If the game does not autoplay, please click the play button. Even though all school buildings are closed to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic, work is being done to ready Susan Clark Junior High (SCJH) for students and staff this fall. Students at SCJH will also learn about the Clark family as part of their social studies curriculum.With COVID-19, the plans that were put in place for Central students to participate in transition activities with their West peers this spring did not happen. All core and exploratory teachers will have their own classrooms. Mr. Nienhaus noted, “Educationally this will be a positive for our students, staff, and community. The fact that she was chosen to be one of the graduation speakers attests to her high moral character and leadership.Susan married the Rev. Virtual tours could also be part of the transition activities.Mr.