If you’d like to log in you’ll need to set up a new members account. New Zealand resettles 1,000 refugees each year through its Refugee Quota Programme. Despite the clear need, New Zealand’s intake from Africa has dropped from about 30% of the quota just over a decade ago to just 1% of the quota in recent years.As with Australia, it is actually quite unlikely that these white South Africans would emigrate via the refugee quota. Members account. Some certainly do. In contrast there is the current displacement that means millions of people across Africa and the Middle East have no protection, nor prospect of protection, from a state. Even before the 1951 United Nations Convention was being adopted by member states, New Zealand accepted refugees. The purpose of this South African in New Zealand website and networking forum is to create an immigrant community within New Zealand that connects you with fellow South Africans living in New Zealand. This email is not associated with a Spinoff There is absolutely no reason that a white South African farmer who fits the criteria would be excluded from becoming a refugee. Refugee protection must be afforded to every person who has had to flee their country because of persecution or a legitimate fear of the same. It was also a National immigration minister – Aussie Malcolm – who laid the foundations of the current resettlement system.The task now falls to the Labour-led coalition government to reverse this policy.
If that all sounds quite unlike Dutton one needs barely dig deeper to see that the refugees in question are ten thousand white South African farmers, not the South Sudanese or Eritreans.In New Zealand, some social media users reflexively respond to the campaign to double the quota in a similar manner.
We have an active Facebook Group. But for the rest of us it is just a hypothetical, since the vast majority of those fearing persecution have not yet fled their countries. The truth is that South Africa – despite its economic and political grumbles – is very much seen as a country refugees flee towards.

In 2019, nine South Africans applied for refugee status in New Zealand. South Africans (not necessarily white South Africans) made The imagined example of the white South African farmer might fascinate ethno-nationalists who feel a deeper cultural or racial affinity to these fellow humans than to black Africans. Eyebrow comedy: All the times Judith Collins made a joke in her debut leader speechBattle of the berm: The outdoor furniture pitting Auckland’s authorities against a local cafeThe truth about ‘the truth about adrenochrome’, The Spinoff’s most-viewed story of all timeSiouxsie Wiles: Four possible scenarios for the Australian and South Korean travellers Sometimes the special group are persecuted Christians; other times they’re simply white, like Ukranians displaced from the east of the country. This number of South Africans migrating to New Zealand justifies research into issues that would help South Af- have any issues contact us on Check your email inbox to finalise email verification. The circumstances for some people to prove fear is lower than others. These statistics exclude children born to South African migrants (Politicsweb, 2014). tralia (155,690), USA (78,616), New Zealand (41,676) and Canada (38,310). deleted in the past.

Data published by the New Zealand government at the end of 2019 Well, if you don’t ask, you don’t get. By contrast, many states are currently sending Let’s imagine the farmer in question is able to produce evidence of persecution – the confiscation of land and accompanied violence certainly lends itself to such claims, though as recently as 2015 My argument is not that these farmers do not face persecution. Please try again or contact It looks like this account has been As at the 2013 New Zealand census, there were 54,279 South African-born people resident in New Zealand, or 1.36% of the country's population, making South Africa the 5th largest source of New Zealand immigrants behind the United Kingdom, China, India, and …

New Zealand accepts a quota of 1 000 refugees each year, from different conflicts across the world. Playing on the fears of farm attacks and expropriation uncertainty, Dutton’s input was fiercely rebuked by DIRCO.The plan eventually fell apart, but some plucky South Africans have still tried their luck Down Under – this time, they’ve shifted the borders.