We have you covered. Savanty is a full-service marketing agency seeking to humanize brands and generate powerful results. We celebrate, curate and distribute documentaries + creative media projects that advance positive social change and support content creators, activists, educators and changemakers worldwide.Each year, the annual SIMA Awards honor the best documentaries and VR experiences from 140 countries around the globe that stand out in their creativity, integrity, and merit to inspire social change.
In 2018, Sherri established SoLa’s nonprofit affiliate, The SoLa I CAN Foundation (I CAN), where she serves as the Executive Director and President of the Board.
Contact us to discuss your project/ timeline/ budget.With a network of over 2500 content creators in 140 countries, 70,000 students accessing our education resources, approximately 50 screening events, 7,000+ digital film viewings, and 4,000+ action kits delivered to audiences per year, SIMA is the most renowned global curator in the social impact space, serving the independent arts, social justice and academic industries around the world.have set new standards of integrity and creativity in social impact storytelling, honoring outstanding media from 140 countries that defy traditional narratives and challenge the status quo. Engage your community and showcase your work the way you want!Our Fiscal Sponsorship services enable creators to raise funds that are tax deductible in the US in any stage of development, production, distribution or campaign.We accept applications for all creative projects and from all independent producers, innovators, media artists and filmmakers actively working to advance positive social change.We have worked at the intersection of human rights and impact media for over a decade, building relationships with community leaders and organizations on every continent, developing engagement strategies and platforms that serve as catapults for creative projects to create change.We live by the rules of “responsible impact through creativity” and offer consulting services to projects in all stages from ideation to execution. Founded in 2015, SoLa Impact’s mission is to deliver superior financial returns by driving positive social change in America’s toughest neighborhoods. Mike is an experienced real estate investor owning properties across nearly every asset class.Outside of SoLa, Mike has competed in the Hawaii Ironman World Championship, has three marathon victories to his credit and has one cash on the World Poker Tour in his only attempt.© 2020 SoLa Impact, LLC and its affiliated companies. Gray has been creating and managing real estate investment funds for the last decade and helped launch two social impact funds (SoLa Impact Fund I, II), and an Opportunity Zone Fund, all based in South Central. Bill earned a Bachelor of Arts, History, from UCLA, and enjoys mountain biking, motorcycling, and making music.

Martin was previously an operating executive at several technology companies and a venture capital partner at Accretive Partners and General Atlantic Partners in New York. He specializes in acquisitions, transactions, and financial modeling.Malcolm joined SoLa in August of 2019 and oversees all of the Property Management activities for the SoLa family of funds.

The Net Impact Conference hosts a range of individuals, from small to corporate companies, students to professionals, in order to take on social challenges, protect the environment, and invent new products. SoLa Impact claims a copyright in all proprietary and copyrightable text, graphics and computer code on this web site, the overall design of this site, and the selection, arrangement and presentation of all materials on this site, including information in the public domain.Martin Muoto is the Founder and Managing Partner of the “SoLa Impact” family of social impact real estate funds. Josh joined SoLa in May 2018 to formulate Opportunity Zone strategies for the company, resulting in an innovative model for affordable housing funded entirely by private equity rather than traditional tax credits. Martin immigrated from West Africa and graduated with Honors from the Wharton School of Business and the University of Pennsylvania.Gray Lusk is the Co-Founder and Operating Partner of SoLa Impact Fund. Wed 9am to 6pm .