After the judgment was handed down, he and his lawyer, Paul Schabas, repaired to the bar at their hotel. It didn’t sit right. Robert Newton Ford (January 31, 1862 – June 8, 1892) was an American outlaw best known for his assassination of Jesse James.He and his brother Charles, both members of the James–Younger Gang under James's leadership, went on to perform paid re-enactments of the killing at publicity events. Mayor Rob Ford’s mother says her son needs to “smarten up,” but emphasized that he is not a drug addict and does not need to step down to change his life around.. Cooke, managing editor Jane Davenport, and Bert Bruser left the event and huddled around a phone in the corridor. When he started asking other rescuers awkward questions, like how to get his dog into a harness, they realized that he was not a K-9 search and rescue officer, just a policeman with a pet dog who wanted to help. In both instances, the journalists had done diligent reporting and note taking, consulted with the subjects they were writing about, and done everything they could to get their stories right—only to discover that the burden of proving truth in court years later was too onerous. Now a reporter’s behaviour could serve his or her interests as well. When McArthur asked to speak with a man who had grown up with Rob and played football with him at university, he said, “I’d love to, man, but I’ve got to check with Robbie.” By the time McArthur contacted him again, his response had changed to “No, no, I’m not doing that.” The pattern repeated itself, but the reporters were pursuing other leads, such as the friend who had spoken to Kari about the drug dealing in the first place. Notice was served, and when the Then came the trial in Haileybury, Ontario. This is about George Chuvalo,” said Ford, but he pressed on nevertheless. Through it all, Ford and his older brother Doug, a city councillor, fought back by vigorously advancing versions of events that were the exact opposite of what happened. I was in New York on 9/11.

In September 2001, in the aftermath of 9/11, an Ontario Provincial Police constable named Danno Cusson gained local acclaim when he took his dog to Ground Zero to help look for survivors. Now he was seeing these figures from his past, Rob and Doug, elected to office and banging the law and order drum, their own pasts neatly forgotten. “It became instead a weapon to provide a defence we never had before.” (In an earlier positive development, the court had decided to revitalize the fair comment defence, which protects expressions of opinion on matters of public interest—even “outrageous” and “ridiculous” ones. Ford would spend his later years operating multiple saloons and dance halls across the West. “So I hopped in the car and went up there,” he says.When he arrived, he called Peter Grant, the golf course owner. Before, a plaintiff’s lawyer could tear into a reporter’s conduct, parsing his or her notes and looking for any hint that they had acted maliciously. His wife Eleanor continued living there until her death in 1976.

“The Fords, in general, have a pretty good history of letting the executives run the company,” said Rob Du Boff, environmental, social and corporate governance analyst … I was in Sarajevo, Srebrenica. Their feuds with neighbouring politicians were legendary, as were the lengths to which Rob Ford would go to help his constituents.McArthur and Kari pored through the Fords’ high school yearbooks, making lists of people who might have known them. What they saw was unmistakable.When they returned to their car, Donovan got in touch with Cooke, who as it happens was attending the National Newspaper Awards gala at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa.