It's just another way of … The generally result in the redistribution of income.

This hub takes a brief look at both supply side and demand side economic theories.Supply side economics is the type of economic theory espoused by Ronald Reagan and most in the Republican party. A brief description of the same is given below:Going in line with the above description, the Public goods such as defence, general administration etc. "redistribute wealth to the middle and lower classes" is a bit misleading and a reason for the right's hysteria with any idea anti-Reganomics.It's not like demand-side calls for taking cash out of the upper class' wallets and stuffing it in the wallets of the lower and middle class. the supply curve shifts to the right ; The Quantity (shown on the X-axis) consumed and produced increases from Q to Q* The Price (shown on the Y-axis) decreases from P to P* The yellow box is the amount of money the government spends on the … Reacting to that, the Indian Government has stated that the eliminations of the subsidy will benefit Indian exports. They both read one to many Ian Rand books.Thank you for this Hub. A subsidy is a type of transfer payment. Demand side economics is all about increasing demand in the consumer. The estimation of budgetary subsidies are computed as Direct subsidies are given in terms of cash grants, interest-free loans and direct benefits. Proper identification of beneficiaries is a big challenge in disbursement of direct subsidies. Heyak or Chicago School economics is supply side brought to us here by Ronald Reagan and to Brits by Maggie Thatcher. Tax rebates and tax cuts are two other ways to increase discretionary funds to drive consumer spending. The idea here is that the quickest way to spur demand is to increase the relative wealth of the people who want to make purchases. I am not above being wrong nor am I unwilling to be corrected. This has been referred to as Keynesian economics.

For example, Delhi Milk Scheme sells 1 litre poly bag of toned milk for Rs 30.00 whereas the same costs it 31.00. This leaves the reader wondering if tax cuts are suplly side or demand side? A subsidy is opposite to a tax. In case of the non-merit goods such as food, fertiliser and education beyond elementary level; the element of The provision of subsidies on non-merit goods has come in for sharp criticism since in their case; the The subsidies which are provided in the Budget are budgetary subsidies.

Instead of the government taking money out of the system, the government is pouring money into the system. This theory is mostly espoused by liberal Democrats who want to redistribute wealth by taking extra income taxes from corporations and the rich in order to redistribute it to the middle class and poor. Now we may consider the effects of four different types of subsidy on … One danger of too much consumer demand is inflation.No HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Other examples are welfare expenditures and social security contribution by the government in pension schemes.The estimation of the subsidies is done by the standard classification into public, merit and non-merit goods.

So, please accept my apology for crossing my metaphors and definitions.Keynesian economic theory is not supply side economics, it is demand side. Apple's I-series products are examples of creating new demand by producing an innovative supply of new goods and services.

Here are several of the economic effects of subsidies, as visible in the graph above: There is an increase in supply, i.e.

The greatest danger of supply side economic theory is long-term deficits which will weigh heavily on the future economy.The opposite of supply side economics is demand side economics. I think I can see how this hub is less than definitive and leaves a reader more confused than enlightened. The idea here is that the quickest way to spur demand is to increase the relative wealth of the people who want to make purchases.
A subsidy is a fiscal hand-out paid to certain sections of society at the cost of the tax pair. For one thing some key words in the supply side section were left out (now fixed). And what is produced is sold at too low a price.

Is it best to lower taxes or increase wages, both or neither? For the most part, Republicans are prone towards  supply side economics or Reaganomics. Secondly, there are references at the end of the demand section about how lowering taxes for the consumer also stimulates demand. Supply side theory is aimed at increasing the supply of goods and services available to consumers. In case of agriculture, direct subsidies help the farmers to purchase required inputs from markets. Theoretical dichotomy-accepting either keynesian theory or supply-side theory is a gross simplification of the real system.