ok but for real i've had a pretty good day so far : ) #SAD #birthday #LUL. You are not currently subscribed I booked a house big enough for all of us on the beach (1 hour from the city), paid for the whole damn thing myself (including a $50 per-person surcharge), brought enough booze to share, and just asked people to bring a plate.I am in this huge, beautiful, all-expenses-paid house, perched on a hill in the middle of a gorgeous State Park, with views over the bay and enough room for 20 people. Bring out the board games (we’re partial to retro picks like Give yourself the gift of someone else doing the cooking (and the cleaning). I hiked, I read, I cooked by a fire.Your birthday is what you make of it. The level of responsibility put on us as we get older increases. All rights reserved.

No investment meant they had nothing to lose by not showing up.I find that in today's society where an RSVP "Yes" means "Maybe" and "Maybe" means "No" that people's word means very little anymore.
Get some pitchers of beer, split into teams and see who can get the most strikes.Discover your city’s art scene with a group of friends and see if you can find a piece to bring home in order to commemorate the occasion. OR decide it's their loss, (and it is) and have a fantastic time with the 2 people that are there. How about tiny sandwiches, crumpets and tea? My 30th birthday is when a shift began to happen in my thinking and is actually my most memorable birthday even though I only had two people show up initially. Do your research before pulling together your guest list—many taprooms are dog- and child-friendly and some even offer live music. You just might discover a new favorite.It’s pasta, passion and pistols at this dinner party with a twist that will keep all guests on their toes. You guys can always go out to a bar or casino or strip club too. Sorry you're feeling down. We'll listen, and if you want, we'll talk. I always expect a few people to be unable to make it due to last minute emergencies, but ffs. Feel the stress of the past decade melt away as you blend paints and mix shades to create your masterpiece.Invite some friends over, blast some tunes, bring out the Chianti and If your number one headliner happens to be in town during your birthday month, what better way to spend the evening? Two.I just want to cry. Makes you feel like you're not the fun friend. I sincerely hope you have a Happy Birthday anyway.I am so sorry this happened to you - I hope you start looking for some new friends. Yes, three glasses of Chardonnay will help those creative juices flow. It sounds amazing.Arthur's Seat State Park in Victoria, Australia. I'm sorry your friends let you down. I really wanted to get away to celebrate my 30th with some close friends rather than with a huge party. By myself.

I had all the decorations up and all the alcohol but no one to share it with :( United States Saturday 31st of July 2010 1:55 am /hugYou're awesome, OP. My son kept looking out the window & door for guests, asking when his friends will get here, but nobody ever came. I put it out there, and about 15 people said yes. i have a lovely friend who does this type of thing at least once a year...my heart hurts everytime it's a "no show" but she goes on undeterred.fuck 'em, you have booze, beach and 2 buddies...celebrate!I understand completely. Up the ante by crowning one baked good the winner. I'm sure he just had nowhere to go.
An easier but just as elegant option? Go for a general knowledge game or tap into your niche and find an event where you can really shine (hello, Who’s going to have the best 30th birthday ever? And with proper toilets and showers. I wasn't the same but I guess it was something.There was a post while back about a guy who invited bunch of people/friends to his 21st party (could be wrong about minor deats) booked a bar and nobody showed up.