Epsom salt is not technically a salt like sea salt; rather, it’s a mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. I find this to be healthy–it’s like a natural melatonin for the body. Just wondered if you’ve ever done the infrared sauna as a mean to detox. That said, typically, I find one bath a week is the perfect ritual for me.Find a ritual, a rhythm and routine, that works for you. I cannot tell you how relieving detox baths are to my aching joints. The water will smell like vinegar for the first few minutes, but then the smell disappears.Personally, I find the clay to be a lovely addition and my go-to option. So let’s talk about what you need to dilute the essential oil(s) for safe usage…If you want to add the aromatic benefit of essential oils, which just takes the bath to the next level, mix the essential oil(s) with a carrier/nourishing oil, such as: olive oil, jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, or sweet almond oil. This can take a toll on our body. I love a very warm bath, but go with the temperature that feels most appropriate for you and your skin. Or that baths are the ultimate form of self-care. I also make sure to drink lots of water post-bath as well.Once the bath salts are added, add the clay or apple cider vinegar (or both).

Then, last year, our schedule as a family changed and I had to find a way to exercise closer to our home and the kids’ school.In the past, baths haven’t been something that I’ve considered as self-care, but over the last few months, they’ve become something that I’ve added to my life and look forward to on a weekly basis.I’m not here to tell you that you have to take baths. This step is optional, but it sure makes the bath smell great! 2. They are incredibly relaxing and can make you feel quite sleepy, sometimes even weak. Let me help you simplify! Although you can get magnesium through food – almonds, wheat germ, fish, green leafy vegetables – it is not easy to meet your daily needs through food alone.Magnesium is an essential mineral required for more that 300 biochemical reactions in the body including transmission of nerve impulses, regulation of body temperature, forming healthy bones & teeth, & energy production. Add 5-10 drops of essential oils. Actually, it probably won’t. Fill tub with quite hot water. It’s about intentionally caring for ourselves, and this looks different for every single person.A detox bath is a way of removing toxins from the body. Epsom salt is commonly used to ease muscle soreness and calm tension. You can also create this experience with dried herbs, but I’ve found herbs to be an annoying addition because the tiny bits stick to the bathtub after draining the water. That which is not eliminated in this way is eliminated through our skin in the form of sweat.I can’t tell you the number of times I read in health books that deal with cancer that if you have cancer, your liver is not functioning correctly. What to Expect After a Detox Bath. Will a hot bath help to detox? Grab a glass of filtered water to have close by. I am not a trained chemist, cleaning specialist, or skincare expert. Stay hydrated during and after the bath.

Toxins are in the air, in our water & in our genetically modified foods. While the tub fills with water, add your bath salts. thanksThanks for the baking soda tip! 0 You want to feel ready for bed because you’re relaxed.Go with what feels best. I have also used tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil for extra detoxification and to wake up the senses and clear sinuses.6. The DIY recipes on this website are based on my personal experiences. Expect to sweat! Since I usually sweat during the bath, it’s important that I keep myself hydrated. Of course, use common sense. I tell you this so you are not surprised if you feel icky after your first detox bath. I usually use my I recommend taking your detox bath in the evening before bed. My goal isn’t to promote this stereotypical form of self-care (which you can find all over Instagram). I got quite light-headed and nauseous after my bath & felt like I had the flu. After a detox foot bath, clients are encouraged to drink plenty of water to assist with making elimination easier and more comfortable. Everyone in my house takes them, especially if we are feeling bad!I have tried the foot aqua detox and its very nice to have it because you can actually feel that you’re having a good sleep at night, good body circulation, regular and on date menstruation every month and many more but not yet this detox baths, but I am so interested to try this too! The word “detox” carries both positive and negative connotations. Baths are touted as the ultimate form of self-care. It’s best if the water is room temperature versus cold.

DISCLOSURE: Not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice. One reason I am looking forward to the cold weather of winter is so that I can get back to my detox baths. I’m Kristin.