Now, you can watch this exuberant, sassy, and political performance, starring Orange is the New Black’s Danielle Brooks, on PBS’s Great Performances. It was a great company.LEONATO’S BROTHER: I trust you will be ruled by your father.Our main building is closed for a multi-year renovation. You know, so it was a very healthy company. Lord, I could not endure a husband with a beard on his face. All Folger programs and events will be held at other venues during construction.Choose from a variety of Folger events and programs, on Capitol Hill, around Washington, DC, and across the country. Only get the learned writer to set down out excommunication.BEATRICE: For the which blessing I am at Him upon my knees every morning and evening. Our reference librarians can help you!Transcriptions, metadata, and images of manuscripts from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuriesBecome a member of the Folger Shakespeare Library and receive access to special member events.We invite you to personally participate in the life of the Folger Shakespeare Library by making a tax-deductible donation to the institution.The Folger is looking for exceptionally qualified individuals who are committed to the mission, vision, and values of our organization. Sweet Hero, she is wronged, she is slandered, she is undone.BENEDICK: I do much wonder that one man, seeing how much another man is a fool when he dedicates his behaviors to love, will, after he hath laughed at such shallow follies in others, become the argument of his own scorn by falling in love.And, you know, Danielle didn’t say that if they come late to rehearsal, everybody has to do 10 push-ups. In 2014, he won the Tony Award for Best Director for his revival of BEATRICE: I wonder that you will still be talking, Signior Bene-            DON PEDRO: I shall see thee, ere I die, look pale with love.BEATRICE: I pray you, is Signior Mountanto returned from the wars or no?DOGBERRY: We will spare for no wit, I warrant you.

Director Kenny Leon has sussed out Shakespeare’s astounding insight and brings it to the fore in his first-rate, all-African-American Much Ado About Nothing, which seemingly is … Our building on Capitol Hill is closed due to a major building renovation project, but Folger events and programs continue on the road and around Washington, DC.Have a question about our collections? Director Kenny Leon’s production of Much Ado About Nothing mesmerized audiences during the Public Theater's Shakespeare in the Park last summer. Kenny Leon is the founding artistic director of True Colors Theatre Company and Artistic Director of Atlanta’s Alliance Theatre. We did a lot of push-ups.