Some involve modifying the airway. In other cases, factors such as enlarged tonsils, a deviated septum, physical obstruction, or simply the anatomy of your airway are to blame. Surgery for snoring … "Imagine a narrow garden hose with water running through. This may take some time to get used to, but it can help clear your symptoms right away. "Taping tennis balls to the back of your pajamas can also stop you from sleeping on your back, Chokroverty says. Your soft palate is right behind your hard palate, which is the hard part of the roof of your mouth. Without full diagnostic procedures it is not possible to differentiate. "If you feel fine during the day but obstructed at night, these things may be contributing to your snoring," Slaughter says.Put your pillows in the air fluff cycle once every couple weeks and replace them every six months to keep Beware before spending money on special pillows designed to prevent snoring, Chokroverty says.

Snoring may not be associated with the soft palate at all. "This can create more snoring." It could occur at the base of the tongue. If you snore occasionally, you may not need an intervention.

This can be done by inserting filament into your soft palate, trimming the excess tissue in your throat, or shrinking the tissue in your soft palate.
Be sure to talk with your doctor about your concerns. The mouthpiece is not effective if these less common factors are causing your snoring. "Daniel P. Slaughter, MD, otolaryngologist, Capital Otolaryngology, Austin, Texas.Sudhansu Chokroverty, MD, FRCP, FACP, professor of neuroscience, Seton Hall University School of Graduate Medical Education, South Orange, N.J.; clinical professor of neurology, Robert Wood Johnson University Medical School, New Brunswick, N.J.; author,12 reasons why you're tired -- and how to fight them.WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.have about 11 cups of total water (from all drinks and food) a day There are medical options that could make all the difference. Medical treatment for snoring. There are also several surgical options that may help you stop snoring. "This can create more snoring." While there are many things you can do to stop snoring, it takes time to find the one (or few) things that ultimately work.

If those muscles relax too much, they can fall into the back of your throat and partially obstruct your airway. If you snore infrequently or at certain times of the year, such as allergy season, your snoring may not require an intervention. And that vibration creates the harsh, buzzing sound you make when you snore. Sleeping on your side can help prevent your tongue from blocking your airway. This is especially true if your snoring is caused by a cold or allergies.Alcohol relaxes the muscles in your throat, which may contribute to snoring.

If you’ve tried self-help solutions for snoring without success, don’t give up hope. You may have sleep apnea or another serious condition.

The narrower the hose, the faster the water rushes through. "Poor sleep habits (also known as poor sleep "hygiene") can have an effect similar to that of drinking alcohol, Slaughter says.

Talk to your doctor to see if surgical interventions are right for you.There are many reasons why you may snore. If you have a bed partner or roommate, ask them about your symptoms and snoring frequency. He (or she) may be the brunt of jokes at family gatherings ("Uncle Joe snores so loudly he rattles the windows! This can be done by inserting filament into your soft palate… It can range in severity. If your nose is clogged or narrowed due to a cold or other blockage, the fast-moving air is more likely to produce snoring.A hot shower before you go to bed can help open nasal passages, Slaughter says. Snoring Exercise #2. Try skipping alcohol consumption altogether, especially in the hours before you go to sleep.Sleeping on your back may cause you to snore. If left untreated, this could lead to sleep deprivation, heart disease, and hypertension. Replace your pillows? Hold the lifted uvula position for 5 seconds and then relax. All rights reserved. It allows air to move through slower, Slaughter says.

"Or you can recline the bed with the head up and extended, which opens up nasal airway passages and may help Alcohol and sedatives reduce the resting tone of the muscles in the back of your throat, making it more likely you'll snore. Snoring is often harmless. If you run your tongue along the roof of your mouth from front to back, you will be able to feel where the hard palate stops and the soft palate begins.

Your doctor will be able to conduct tests or even a sleep study to determine your snoring patterns. Singing can increase muscle control in the throat and soft palate, reducing snoring caused by lax muscles.

Lift your soft palate and uvula, checking for movement with the mirror. When did you last dust the overhead ceiling fan? Surgery will not eradicate tongue based snoring. "Secretions in your nose and soft palate become stickier when you're dehydrated," Slaughter says. "Drinking alcohol four to five hours before sleeping makes snoring worse," Chokroverty says. Here’s an exercise that was done by the participants in one of the studies mentioned above.