Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner is elected president, succeeding her husband Nestor Kirchner in the post. Argentina's history timeline Timeline created by carl149. Former military ruler General Jorge Videla is sentenced to life in prison for crimes against humanity. Mystery surrounds the death of prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who was investigating the 1994 bombing of the Jewish community centre Share | Discover in a free daily email today's famous history and birthdays Enjoy the Famous Daily.

1838-65 - Civil war between Blancos, or Whites - the future conservative party - and Colorados, or Reds - the future liberals.
1942 - Argentina, along with Chile, refuses to break diplomatic relations with Japan and Germany after the Japanese attack on the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbour. This is very important because Buenos Aires is the largest city in the country and it is the capitol city.

The bombing at Jewish community centre in Buenos Aires remains unresolved A TIMELINE OF THE HISTORY OF ARGENTINA. British forces suffered setbacks, such as when troops were captured (pictured here), but they eventually retook the territory Check out our country profile, full of essential information about Argentina's geography, history, government, economy, population, culture, religion and languages.

The period after the coupe was chaos. Why Royal Ballet principal Sergei Polunin quit Jan 1, 1500. spanish colonise Argentina the Spanish were the first to colonise Argentina and then came the European (manly Italian), and then slaves brought from Africa to work in the colony from between the 17th century and the 19th century. Some of present day Argentina became part of the Incan Empire and some resisted. The former dictator ordered the invasion of the Falkland Islands

This was so important because it was the start of the country. The dictatorship of General Jorge Videla was characterised by the 'Dirty War' in which opponents were eliminated This city has a population size of 3.89 million and a metropolitan population of around 17 million, making it the largest in the … For events in a regional context, see Latin America, history of. Early Argentina. He is the first Latin American to lead the Roman Catholic Church, and takes the name of Francis. Events that affected northwestern Argentina prior to the 16th century are described in pre-Columbian civilizations: Andean civilization. 1830 - Constitution approved. the Falkland islands are the cluster of islands around the southernmost part of Argentina and there have been many wars over these islands like France , great Britain , united states , Spain , united kingdoms and then Argentina.

To Argentina Social Studies - To Capital Buenos Aires City Profile. Santiago del Estero was the first city established in Argentina.

A timeline created with Timetoast's interactive timeline maker. British destroyer HMS Sheffield was hit by an exocet missile argentina before perόn __ Several click-to-read articles. the declaration was created by the Congress of Tucumán, they even had a war for their independence from 1810 –1818 against forces from the Spanish crown. However the economy then grew strongly for a few years. Evita, pictured with husband President Juan Peron, was a powerful figure and enduring icon Here are some of Argentina’s crises through history: 1930 The Great Depression hit Argentina especially hard, as demand in Europe and United States for its farm exports suddenly dried up. HISTORY OF ARGENTINA Timeline. Argentina seized the Falkland Islands in 1982, sparking a 10-week war. Well claiming new land is important to any country so it can grow. Evita, pictured with husband President Juan Peron, was a powerful figure and enduring icon Their inhabitant’s is 244,733 people and it is the 12th largest city in Argentina. 5 November 2019. Brief Overview of the History of Argentina Argentina was originally settled by many different tribes of people. British forces suffered setbacks, such as when troops were captured (pictured here), but they eventually retook the territory 1865-70 - Uruguay joins Argentina and Brazil in war against Paraguay, which is defeated. These are external links and will open in a new window
As Argentina did not have the silver and gold the Spaniards were seeking, Buenos Aires, settled in 1580, and other coastal towns grew much slower than their … 1930 - A coup involving all services of the Argentine armed forces and led by General Uriburu overthrows Yrigoyen. The main reason for this war was centralism in Buenos Aires, the provinces that were involved in this were the Buenos Aires province, the Federal party and the Unitarian party. 1516 Juan de Solis reaches the River Plate. CARLOS MENEM