These are simple as well as complex figures. A Nandi is always found in front of a Shivlinga. Most of the Hindus worship Lord Shiva in the form of a lingam instead of an idol of Lord Shiva.Trishul is the main weapon of Lord Shiva which he always carries with himself and is highly revered in Hinduism.A bindi is a small rounded sign made with Kumkum between the two eyebrows of a married Hindu woman. Most of these symbols are representative of the philosophies, teachings and even the gods and goddesses themselves of the Hindus. It symbolizes the sound of creation, Om.Hi, loving your blog. List of Hinduism Symbols and Meanings I suggest you to change it to something more fitting to hinduism. The head of Lord Ganesha is that of an elephant, so it is considered a sacred animal by Hindus.An eagle is a symbol of power and freedom. Aum, also known as, Om, is the most important symbol in Hinduism.

On the surface, many Hindu symbols may seem to be absurd or even dumb, but discovering the deeper meaning of such symbolism is a sheer joy! Most of these symbols are representative of the philosophies, teachings and even the gods and goddesses themselves of the Hindus. It is not only a Hindu symbol but also is the national tree of India. I will show your blog to my partner next time she comes here because she loves hindu movies. The cow is a symbol of good nature, purity, motherhood, and prosperity.Veena is a musical stringed instrument of Goddess Saraswati but it is also a Hindu symbol of art and education. Hinduism is replete with symbolism—some even say that no other religion employs the art of symbolism as effectively as the Hindus. In the above picture, Goddess Saraswati is holding veena in her hands.The peacock feather is the symbol of Lord Krishna as he used to wear a feather in his crown. It is also associated with Dev Rishi Narad. It means as he explained “Good Luck”.That really helped me, thank you so very much… (but in my head im thinking YEA YEA HAA that really helped with my homework) cheersNo, Om represents supreme god Brahman. Lord Ganesha is worshiped first of all demi-Gods. It may increase your returning audience I know Bindi from movies and other media, but never knew what it means. This symbol is a complex yet beautiful geometry that has, for the longest … Shankha is a seashell that is kept inside Hindu altars and worshiped. There are two general categories or branches of Hindu symbols. Each Hindu symbol has a particular meaning that gives spiritual bent to it. It is also the carrier of Lord Vishnu. Keep expanding the blog! It is considered a very poor animal. Hand gestures and the positioning of the body are called “mudras” while icons and drawings are called “murti.” Some Hindu symbols, like the lotus and the conch, are similar to the symbols used in Buddhism.The Tripundra represents the three godly forces of creation, sustenance, and destruction through the three lines, while the ashes symbolize purification and burning away of Anava (ego), Maya (illusions) and karma (actions/deeds). Some people use metal rings on which Ganesha is carved.The cow is the most sacred animal for Hindus. So, it has got more importance.I was taught by my father on a trip to India that the Swastika also has four dots and can only be found on the entrances of Hindu Temples. Lingam: Lingam is the representation of Lord Shiva through which Lord Shiva is worshipped mostly. Though, I think it could have better theme. Sacred Hinduism symbols - name, and meaning with images. It represents strength and fertility.Lord Ganesha is an important demi-God of Hindus but he is also used as a symbol many times. Read Also: What is the Greatest Thing about Being Hindu. In Sanskrit, an eagle is called Garuda and is worshipped by Hindus.Damaru (hourglass drum) is a musical instrument, which is depicted as attached to the trident of Shiva. Hindu Symbols Hinduism is replete with symbolism—some even say that no other religion employs the art of symbolism as effectively as the Hindus. Sometimes numbers are written on it. Basic Hindu symbolism is enunciated in the Dharmashastras, but much of it developed with the evolution of his unique 'way of life'. Hindu married women worship this tree on Nandi is a bull which is also the carrier of Lord Shiva. Sri Chakra or Sri Yantra. There are many symbols used in Hinduism and in this article we would discuss Hinduism symbols and meanings, what is the historical significance of symbols in Hinduism and Hindu mythology associated with these symbols. If placed at the desired place, they are believed to have good effects on the life of the possessor.Shankha is used both as a symbol and as a trumpet in Hindu rituals. This symbol represents auspiciousness as Ganesh is known as the remover of obstacles. It is a symbol of Lord Shiva. People offer water to the sun in the morning.An elephant is a symbol of wisdom, strength, prosperity, and good luck. Sun worship is still prevalent in Hinduism. Shankha is a symbol of longevity and prosperity for Hindus.In ancient times, Shankha was used as a trumpet before the start of the war.Banyan tree is a Hindu symbol of longevity. It is made up of three It is considered sacred and is worn in pendants, rings, printed on T-shirts, cups, temple walls.The swastika is also considered to be sacred and represents luck and prosperity. Though unmarried girls also use the sign, they do not use Kumkum for that.A Kalash is a vessel with five green leaves placed at the entrance of the vessel in such a way that they cover the entrance of the vessel and then a coconut placed on top.Yantra actually means a machine but when it is used as a Hindu symbol, it looks like a geometry figure.