He hath turned on his kin a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in all imagination he is! Outcast: Reduce their Cost by (3). Hearthpwn. Last updated Jul 2, 2020 (Twin Slice Nerf) Edit | Delete Wild. This should totally be a legendary card... Thematically and effect wise. 22 Minions; 8 Spells; Deck Type: Ranked Deck; Deck Archetype: Unknown; Crafting Cost: 5360; Dust Needed: Loading Collection; Created: 7/2/2020 (Twin Slice Nerf) View in Deck Builder. With unique naming and OP effect totally a class legendary.One of the three cards that make Midrange and Highlander Deamon Hunter bonkers good.So yeah, you might not want to play it for a while and need to wait to get the Outcast value but if you feel you can take the risk I would go for the high-roll every time. Especially since you can draw your second copy which will cost 2. Ninja nerf?This card supposed to be a legendary you know. At 8 mana, Sightless Watcher can also set a specific card on the top of your … Hearthstone Database, Deck Builder, News, and more! I have a feeling DH will come out of the gates like Galakrond Shaman, be uncontested, and need an early nerf. Skull of Gul’dan is a 6 Mana Cost Rare Demon Hunter Spell card from the Ashes of Outland set! Join us on Discord! The Watcher can put Skull of Gul'dan into your hand on curve, or prevent you from drawing Skull of Gul'dan before it can be played off the top (for at least one turn). Card Text. Drawing cards and reduction in cost at once is too good to pass up on.This card is literally ridiculous.

Follow Us On Twitter ... Skull of Cthun. I have a feeling the first nerf will make DH unplayable, and need a fast tweak buff.hmm aside from the OP cost reduction, I also can't help but wonder how thematically they made Guldan's skull a rare...This would be busted if outcast reduced their cost by (1). Help Sign In. Seeing the current DH carpool (and, I'm assuming some of the best are yet to come). If you draw this anytime after turn 4, play it from top deck, you get the Outcast, and it's almost an auto win. Crazy. Hearthstone Database, Deck Builder, News, and more! even at 6 it's still ridiculously good, single-handedly turns a lost game into an easily won one.Called it, there're gonna be Body of Gul'dan, Crotch of Gul'dan, Foot of Gul'dan, and Gul'dan OBLITERATE in the futureThis needs more visibility, wtf is going on.

Even if it reduced only 1 or 2  mana cost it'd still be pretty good. Flavor Text A fellow of evil possessed, of most devious shadow. Draw 3 cards. I mean, Nourish for 5 mana was bananas.Imagine showing this to Gul'dan in a Demon Hunter vs. Warlock match.© 2020 MagicFind, Inc. All rights reserved.
A card that reduces 9 mana, let alone draw 3 cards. Skull of the Man'ari - Hearthstone Top Decks Skull of the Man’ari Skull of the Man’ari is a 5 Mana Cost Legendary Warlock Weapon card from the Kobolds and Catacombs set! This card is one of the strongest cards I’ve ever seen in recent memory, and it’s absolutely going to limit DH card design until it rotates. I’m glad they didn’t introduce it as one of the basic or classic cards for DH, because I don’t want another class to pay the “Prep Tax” like rogue for too long.7/5, this card is insane; and if you build DH trying to climb ranks without out this card, you are too.Really pushing the Envalope to play some Zoo Demon-Hunter or Control Demon-Hunter.Even if you play normal it’s still a pre nerf nourish, nice top deck for the end gameA card that you would definitely want to trigger the outcast of and is very nice for an aggro based deck. That takes 5 mana to draw three cards and have a 9 mana play–meaning this can be a (-4) mana play…and we thought Call to Arms was broken af??? This card has notable synergy with Sightless Watcher. Hearthstone Database, Deck Builder, News, and more! Played without the Outcast, Skull of Gul'dan is still an efficient source of card draw, if not a bit boring. Just nuts. Come on Blizzard, what is this even...Insane.