The Santa Cruz trek is the most popular of all the Cordillera Blanca trekking trails and one of the best treks in Peru.The trails are well marked, and not very challenging. The time of year between April and October is actually known as the Andean Summer however these are … The Cordillera Blanca is best hiked in and around the winter months (April – October). To visit the Cordillera Blanca and make one of the activities it is necessary to get permission in its offices located at Jr. Federico Sal y Rosas in Huaraz. This is due to Peru’s wet summers forcing closures of some trails and making others more dangerous. The range is separated The Cordillera Blanca is open almost all year, however, the best season to visit the Huascaran National Park, is from April to October, the Andean summer.During these months the weather and climate are favorable for all kind of activities. The fee entrances are: The official currency of Peru is the Nuevo Sol (S/. The Cordillera Blanca (Spanish for "white range") is a mountain range in Peru that is part of the larger Andes range and extends for 200 kilometres (124 mi) between 8°08' and 9°58'S and 77°00' and 77°52'W, in a northwesterly direction. The range has several peaks over 6,000 meters and supports over 700 glaciers. Cordillera Blanca mountain range as seen from Punta Union Pass. Key facts Season. The snowcapped range extends about 110 mi (180 km) and has a southeast to northwest trend. Snowmelt from the Cordillera Blanca provides part of northern Peru with its year-round water supply, while 5% of Peru's power comes from a The Cordillera Blanca is the most extensive tropical ice-covered mountain range in the world and has the largest concentration of ice in Peru.Until the 1990s a total of 722 individual glaciers were recognized in this mountain range, covering an area of 723.4 km Most plant species have pubescent leaves, an adaptation that protects the plants from water loss due to the intense solar radiation and low nighttime temperatures of the mountain climate.Examples of typical vegetation of this area include More than 120 bird species have been reported in Huascarán National Park.Among the mammals reported in the same area are the Note: Glaciers are ordered by latitude from north to south. Mountains with significant glaciers are shown Taken from Mountaineering in the Andes by Jill Neate, RGS-IBG Expedition Advisory Centre, 2nd edition, May 1994 Cordillera Blanca, eastern section of the Cordillera Occidental of the Andes, in west central Peru, South America. It includes several peaks over 6,000 metres (19,690 ft) high and 722 individual glaciers. The Cordillera Blanca area is particularly safe, in the main trekking circuits and mount climbing access trails there are park ranger offices. The Cordillera Blanca "The White Mountain Range", is part of the Peruvian Andes, and is the highest tropical mountain range on the planet. When you are camping in the mountain range don’t leave your personal items outside your tents is Cordillera Blanca's planing website and specialized in organizing adventure tours, adventure travel, trekking mountaineering tours, providing logistical support, travel information in Cordilleras Blanca, Huayhuash, and much more. However in Huaraz the main city near to the Almost all the area of the Cordillera Blanca is part of the Huascaran National Park. This means that most people who wish to … The Cordillera Central proper occupies the west-central part of the island, extending about 50 miles (80 km) from San Germán in the west to the watershed between the Manatí and La The highest peak (22,334 ft [6,768 m]) is Nevado (mount) Huascarán. Climate Cold Snowy winters, warm dry summers, glaciers have super cold weather, sout side is very humid and warm. Cordillera Blanca translates to 'the White Mountains'. Like all Andean glaciers, the Cordillera Blanca has witnessed a major retreat of its glaciers during the 20th century due to Among the most important lakes in the range are the There are several 6,000 m peaks in the Cordillera Blanca with a 400 m topographic Among the most important hot springs in the area are The dry season extends from May through September, June and July having the least rain and more stable weather.Flora and fauna in the range have adapted to the climate and elevational range of mountainous areas. The Cordillera Blanca is a snow-capped mountain range in the Peruvian Andes in South America and got its name from its signature white peaks. Huascaran (6768m / 22 205 ft), the world’s highest tropical mountain, and Alpamayo (5947m / 19 511ft), voted the world’s most beautiful mountain, are both located in the Cordillera Blanca. The Cordillera Blanca is a spectacular mountain range just outside of Peru’s capital, Lima.Thousands of avid trekkers and backpackers flock to this wondrous place every year, hoping to climb the mighty Huascaran, the world’s highest tropical mountain. The Cordillera Blanca is open almost all year, however, the best season to visit the Peru’s official language is Spanish, although a significant number of Peruvians speak Quechua and Aymara in the Andes, and other native languages in the Jungle. north not so much,northern part of cordillera has less than 500mm each year some areas in the southern part of the region ), also the US Dollar is accepted in most local business, restaurants at the day’s exchange rate. Cordillera Central, limestone mountain range that forms the interior of Puerto Rico island. The highest mountain in Peru, Huascarán, at 6,768 metres (22,205 ft) high, is located there. Almost all of the Cordillera Blanca is protected by The main types of plant communities present in the area are the vegetation of inter-Andean valleys (xerophytic plants in the lower elevations and shrubs and grassland at the higher elevations) and high-altitude vegetation (Puna grasslands and patches of high Andean forest).Plants in the range have adapted to the intense solar radiation, low temperatures, and water availability. It consists of three parts. The facts about the cordillera region .