Proposed cuts to protections of species at-risk 6. Tories break promise for corporate tax cut. “It seems like they are trying to target it so it is not an across the board tax cut.“We won’t know until we see the details once it’s introduced as a bill in the legislature,” he said. Ford government will need to cut another $6-billion to hit future budget goal, watchdog says Jeff Gray Queen's Park Reporter Published May 22, 2019 Updated May 22, 2019 Ouch!You are an obvious troll working for Ford. Thank God that was just smoke and mirrors. The 1-year reduction for businesses would be in the form of a liberalized investment tax Corporate Business needs all the subsidies and indentured child labour we can provide.Brilliant satire! ?Soo folks it's fingers in ears, move to BC ,or lay down and cry for three more years of slash and destroy with intent to push fossil and hollow out public servicesWho will benefit from there misgovernance is the question to ask---answer is obvious then.This is a great list. Most employees are easily replaced. He's just cutting without any thought of what will happen down the road. He doesn't care about anyone except for himself. Even just $500 dollars would help me out tremendously.

This is what the Ford administration bypassed, showing total disregard for the harmful consequences it is inflicting on their constituents. A decrease of 20 per cent would move that rate down 1.83 percentage points, to 7.32 per cent.Sheila Block, a senior economist with the left-leaning Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, said “high-income earners” are going see the biggest benefits from Ford’s proposed tax break.“It’s not middle-class or middle-income families who are going to do the best from this,” Block said. maybe you haven't had some things happen to you. FORD: For every dollar of tax reduction we had to have an equal reduction in federal expenditures. Look at Detroit or Chicago - that is where wild government spending to "help people" leads.As for the article - a simple statement of how much money was spent by the city government before all the cuts and after the cuts would be useful.

dollar of tax receipts lost just because of decreases in incomes and profits resulting from the economic downturn.

You know american pysicists designed the internet? At grade six and above they'll attend school for half a day and learn the value of hard work by putting in four (to six) hours after that, doing useful labour assigned by Doug and his team like cleaning Buck A Beer bottles, washing floors for corporate industry, etc. There’s no balanced budget in sight, I’m afraid.Both Doug Ford and the "concerned citizen" qualify for membership in the Flat Earth Society. With an Ontario Government that acts like climate change isn't an emergency, but government programs are.Penny pinching and pound foolish. Substantial cuts in your taxes must be tied to substantial cuts in growth of government spending." However, I was barely into the list when I found what was at best a half-truth: Cancelled free prescription medication given to those under 25 through the Pharmacare program.What the PC's did was cut that for those under 25 already covered by another program, including their parents insurance. I call on the Congress to act by April 1. That is a statement that makes no sense, particularly when you apply it to government coffers.the only way that money could run out would be if we stopped the taxation system, and gave everything over to the private operators to run for their personal profit.

School is compulsory- we can adapt it so there's no excuse for these kids to run around at recess when they could be helping Corporate Business in Ontario. Occasional belt-tightening measures are understandable, and sometimes even justifiable; however such measures always need to pass the cost/benefits test. None of it is surprising though. “Put money back into the taxpayers’ pocket instead of the government’s pocket, because we believe that the taxpayers are a lot smarter at spending their money than any government.”For the provincial portion of their taxes, Ontarians pay 5.05 per cent on the first $42,960 they earn.

They belong in jail......please remove your partisan blinders, big world out there.All this time I thought he was focused on beer. The philosophy of the GOP has been to pile taxes on low-income people and to take them off corporations. credit increasing the rate to 12% for all businesses.This tax cut does not include the more fundamental reforms needed in our tax system. I'd like to meet with the iconic Doug Ford to begin a new programme along the lines of Ontario Works. It expects the province to be back in the black in the 2023-24 fiscal year.The government projects a deficit of $6.7 billion in 2020-21 and a deficit of $5.4 billion in 2021-22.“We listened to Ontarians,” Phillips told reporters in response to a question about whether the update was an admission of flaws in their spring budget. Substantial cuts in your taxes must be tied to substantial cuts in growth of government spending." Cancelling this program cost Ontario 3 billion dollars a year; ongoing! Slashed 50 per cent of flood management funds given to conservation authorities 8. incomes. This was huge. Westpac's Bill Evans says the Morrison Government should bring forward its planned tax cuts to flush the economy with cash and quickly get people spending again.