The element of relationship survival is another fascination, and this story covers that challenge thoroughly too. Iow, the original novelette, not Gerrold's novel created from the movie. Although all in all I was happy with the book and liked they way it ended.Though you'd think there was more info in here than the movie, actually it feels like there was about the same, then a portion that was different, but the movie makes up for it with its own bits. I remember watching the movie years ago and fully enjoyed the process of lessons learned by the mutual enemies. He is discovered by a pair of Scavengers. "It looked like the planet Earth," said one executive close to the production. "Truth is truth." I wanted to read it because I remember loving the movie. The Golden Rule: The alien's holy book has a version of the quote.
Damn, it made me cry few times and so far it's been the only book to make me do so, haha. And now I definitely want to see the movie again.

by Jove Books "All the magic was gone," he said. And now I definitely want to see the movie again. 'COP' DIRECTOR BREST IS BACK ON THE CASE: FILM CLIPS
I read it years ago when it first came out & still have it.

Your great Shismar ain't shit!

The text is good. A great read for those who enjoy sci fi books and films and are a fan of this film.The movie didn't do justice to the novella.

I have the original paperback which is a novelization by Gerrold of the movie that was made of the short story by Longyear. Jerry: Back home. I read the book after many years and I liked it much. Robocop: Murphy: Dead or alive, you're coming with me. I loved it.

This is a very short book and that is not surprising because the film wasn't that long either.This is a very short book and that is not surprising because the film wasn't that long either. He finds evidence of humans, but learns that the planet has only periodically been visited by human miners known as Scavengers who use Dracs as slave labor.

We would still be there."

Later, a BTA patrol ship finds Davidge apparently dead, and returns him to his base space station. Everybody needs to read this, like, right now.I have the original paperback which is a novelization by Gerrold of the movie that was made of the short story by Longyear.

Two enemies crash land on a meteor-ish small planet. When a group read came up, I pulled it off the shelves, but decided to read the short story instead. He also invented their language, invented their traditions, invented a whole history of that alien race!

Some differences can be found between them, but it's a good reading even if, like me, you have seen the movie before.

During a long space war, the lives of two wounded enemies become dependent on their ability to forgive and to trust.

With Dennis Quaid, Louis Gossett Jr., Brion James, Richard Marcus. Scott, Jay. "I'm not a fan of Petersen did not like any of Loncraine's work.

This is a book I've read, reread ,remember, and have thoroughly enjoyed.We should teach this in schools.

I had seen the movie with Dennis Quaid and Louis Gossett, Jr., but had never read the book. I'm serious. Davidge enters the facility, fighting one miner after another, and the slaves revolt.

Enemy Mine (1985) Trivia. Towards the end of the battle, they are assisted by the BTA crew who pursued the stolen ship. London, Michael. The Washington Post 1 Sep 1980: C6.WOLFGANG PETERSEN; THE CREATOR OF 'DAS BOOT' VENTURES INTO OUTER SPACE: Blowen, Michael. One of those old school scifi's where it is all about the story and the ending is just something that is used in two pages to give you posture, regardless of how unlikely it is.When my step-dad put this book in my hand I was a bit skeptical.

It's a great read.At first, in childhood, I watched a movie of the same name by this amazing book, and that film was my favorite movie in the sci-fi genre. I happened to have watched the movie first, but I loved the book. London, Michael.

Teens and even tweens would probably appreciate it, too.A meaningful story, whose impact must have been much greater when it first appeared.

Davidge remarks that the Bible has a similar quote. Read the novella - it's really, really moving. That said, in a way, I had handed this book to Joe to begin with. Showing all 33 items ... (Louis Gossett, Jr.) argue about their respective philosophers and Jeri calls Mickey Mouse a "big dope", Dennis Quaid (Davidge) walks away from Jeri with a noticeable smirk, making a snorting noise consistent with trying to stifle laughter.