A rabbit may scream just before it dies as well.

You should review the link below and speak with your Veterinarian to check Snow Puff over and to get some 1-2-1 advice for the specific breed etc… Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM About 5 hours later, he was breathing normally again, drank lots of water and started eating.
Thank you, Marleen.Thank you for your email. This is not always possible and even when it is, necropsies do not always provide us with the answers that we need to help ease the pain due to the loss of our pet, but sometimes there is comfort in knowing what happened.Because rabbits are prey species, even though they have been domesticated for hundreds of years, they still may hide signs of disease until they are extremely sick. Seizures in rabbits are uncommon, normally the appearance of a seizure is actually caused by something else which may include head trauma, poisoning, parasites, infections, stress, fever among other causes. All animals die in all different ways. They all varied in violence but it’s been four days and he’s been to an emergency clinic and my vet for follow up, and he’s recovered very well. But before doing the same thing you should be aware of some information’s related to rabbits. To reduce cerebral swelling around the brain, mannitol may be given. A seizure does not have to involve convulsions or the shaking and twitching that many people associate with seizures, but those are often the most easily recognized types of seizures (known as grand mal or generalized seizures). Rabbits typically lay on their sides with their legs stretched out when having seizures and paddle their legs. White, blue-eyed rabbits and lop-eared rabbits are also more likely to to develop forms of epilepsy or seizures.

The other day I woke up to find her laying on her side inside her house with her back legs sticking out. In such cases, what appears to be an acute death is actually a chronic illness that only became evident when there was not much that could be done to save the rabbit.But there may be another explanation for what you observed. He was acting totally normal and did not seem itchy or painful. He then started losing hair all over his body in clumps - he would have scabs fall off with chunks of hair still attached. What could cause this?There are various causes of seizures in rabbits which may be attributable to infections, head trauma, parasites, neurological tumours, poisoning among other causes; keep Jinx comfortable and if necessary try to keep him flat during these episodes. According to MedlinePlus, a seizure is defined as "the physical findings or changes in behavior that occur after an episode of abnormal electrical activity in the brain." No vet in the area wanted to help me on a Sunday, so I gave him Metacam, to help with any pain. My roommate is a vet tech, and she felt a weak irregular pulse for about another minute. (Desert mice are #1 sexaholics, not bunnies. Collapse / Disorientation / Head Tilt / Mouth Salivation / Seizures / ShakingCollapse / Disorientation / Head Tilt / Mouth Salivation / Seizures / ShakingThere are many causes of seizures in rabbits, including zoonotic diseases.
In rare cases, seizures leave the rabbit in a comatose state or can be accompanied by blindness. I would ensure that Snickers diet is suitable and complete and that there are not other factors which may be causing stress. My other bunny, Bear, will be going to the vet ASAP to make sure he is all good and nothing was contagious.

I would ensure that Snickers diet is suitable and … So it may be that your rabbit was actually very ill even though you did not recognize signs of disease. I'm curious how likely this is the cause again, one year later. (if the snickers is the snickers i have in mind) thank u very much.

After your rabbit is calm and sitting up normally, mark the event on the calendar so that you can track the seizures. Most of the time your rabbit will come out of the seizure after less than a minute of convulsing. Next, look at the clock to see what time it is; most seizures last less than a minute. When you have a cute pet like a rabbit at home, it can be very disheartening to discover it dead all of a sudden. Other causes for seizures include: He was eating and drinking plenty. An anticonvulsant such as diazepam will be given intranasally and your pet monitored for signs of improvement. Then he just died. If that was the cause, you may want to take comfort in knowing that it happened quickly and your rabbit did not suffer and very few veterinarians would have been able to perform the surgery that was necessary.

I have witnessed a few babies pass away recently at the wildelife hospital and have seen 2 of my own pass over the years. When observed, they show a swift onset and last a few minutes. She then seemed to come round and sat up, had a bit of apple and some nuggets. I was most distressed when a dutch baby came in the other day and died very quickly. I really need him to drink from the bowl (or his new bottle we got him) but I feel he may have some blindness about the front of his face because he seems to be able to detect things to his side but really relies on his smell for things in front of him, more than usual. This dose will be revised and your pet will require follow up appointments with your veterinarian.