If you expense the item, you get the deduction in the current tax year, and you can immediately use the money the expense deduction has freed from taxes. [I do not mean to deprecate the importance of air and naval power, which matter greatly. Deprecate vs. depreciate. [

I had no idea that it meant “to be phased out”, which makes even more sense. Meanwhile, depreciate, the closely related word with which it is often confused, means "to lower in value." And, from what I hear, coming in the new edition of MW : I just learned about deprecated when I was looking up computer peripherals. Example: He deprecated his sister’s actions.

A synonym for deprecate in this context is to deplore.

[First, being self-deprecating always, always works. Deprecate traditionally means to express disapproval of, but over the last century it has gained another sense— to disparage or belittle —that makes it roughly synonymous with depreciate in that … [I deprecate Bill Aitkens’ reported comments, which were rightly greeted with outrage from both general public and across the political spectrum. Example: He depreciated his sister’s achievements. [The good news for U.S. farmers is that the dollar will continue to depreciate against most currencies over the next few years. [Gadsby’s humour is a phlegmatic mix of dry observation and self-deprecating storytelling. The word deprecate means to express disapproval of something. He made deprecating remarks that led to the property depreciating in value. As FumbleFingers points out, "deprecate" means to "pray away" and "depreciate" means to "price away", so they aren't that far apart. Depreciate (verb) To decline in value over time.

Deprecate means to put down and depreciate means to decline in value. [Frum Forum]Microsoft exerted control over developers by requiring changes to boot-up screens and deprecating Netscape’s ability to compete in browsers. “I like sarcasm, satire, self-deprecating humor.”In researching this post, I found several depreciatory comments directed at speakers who write A program element annotated @Deprecated is one that programmers are discouraged from using, typically because it is dangerous, or because a better alternative exists. I could tell that it had something to do with “becoming obsolete”, but I needed to know more so I had to find out the etymology. As verbs the difference between deprecated and depreciated is that deprecated is (deprecate) while depreciated is (depreciate); reduced in value over time. The word is most common in financial contexts. As … Thanks for the explanation!Copyright © 2020 Daily Writing Tips . [From this perspective, to deprecate multiculturalism is to deprecate tolerance. This means that he did not approve of his sister’s actions. The word depreciate means to belittle or play down. [Self-deprecating irony has always balanced the brimstone, and the beard that looks like a prophet’s may just be because he’s Texan. All Right Reserved “To depreciate” is to become less in value. To depreciate is (1) to lessen in value, or (2) to lower the value of something, especially by falsely undervaluing, disparaging, or belittling it. The words depreciate and deprecate are from different Latin originals, but the difference in meaning between them is being eroded in popular usage. The earliest meaning of deprecate was "to pray against, as an evil," and soon after this first meaning it took on the additional sense "to express disapproval of." Depreciate (verb) To lessen in price or estimated value; to lower the worth of. The dictionary gives "belittle" as a synonym for both words. Language is so cool. Depreciate is from Latin depretiare, a combination de (from) and pretium (price).