I hope no one heels. I understand completely, why Minister Farrakhan is crying out warning Black men about the plot of Pharaoh. If theres no crime then there is no need for cops.Wilson wins the battle, but he doesn’t win the war. Give me a break. If a cop commits a crime then he’s a criminal.You’re an idiot. In this riveting memoir, Dr. Roberta Hoskie wants readers to understand that nothing is impossible. By the time the dust settles, America will have made him a millionaire.Almost immediately after Darren Wilson shot and killed Michael Brown, donations started pouring in from across the country for his defence, a defence that is no longer needed. How about white on white killings. I am not an expert on how quickly pepper spray works but again testimony shows that officer Wilson stated he could not reach his pepper spray inside his SUV. It...The posts below show a couple of these Facebook pages. He is 34 years old and is a Taurus. is if the government responds and puts in place policies that will face up to the problems of:This movement is happening not because of social media and the news, it is happening because there is systemic police abuse in communities of color.

We can do right or do wrong. Say it ain’t so Quiet Mike, say it ain’t so! lmboWhat kind of biblical dumbass racist shit are you spouting? Do Gods work or the devil. The St. Louis County prosecutor had reopened an investigation into Darren Wilson, who was previously cleared by a grand jury after fatally shooting Mr. Brown in 2014. By the time the dust settles, America will have made him a millionaire. The goal is to kill all male babies. Officers are not God. The dollar amount is still unconfirmed, but knowing the media in this country, it seems likely.The interview by the way, which was carried out by ABC’s If you add it all up (don’t forget to include the full salary he received while on leave), it appears that Darren Wilson can retire tomorrow. Because of his crimes, Eric Garner ruined the life of this police officer.I live hear in the USA.
I say we make the death penalty the minimum sentence for all crimes and torture to death as a maximum sentence for the more hardcore crimes like murder, rape, and child molestation.Would Garner be alive today if he had not robbed that store and walked on the side walk like a normal person, the answer is, he would be. The only way people should “heel” (isn’t that a term for dogs?)

It also forced many police departments to consider new reforms, like making officers wear body cameras, and other changes in the criminal justice system, like ending cash bail. People are still humans, majority of people are in prison for years that where defending themselves. Soon I hope this man is like Zimmerman and a pariah anywhere he goes.Here are a few things wilson supporters fail to realize.this shit isn’t about race dude was a terrible cop he shot a suspect who was not armed. Guess he feared getting robbed by a demon.Today, no one is mocking the National Representative of the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan who since 1955 has been warning us about the mentality of the white supremacist. 1. If that’s not the case the laws should be re written. Today, we learned that St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell has decided not to charge former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson for … Thanks for the correction! They were sparks but this fire has been coming for a long time. We do not use advertising or underwriting to support our work. These people who harm others are not human beings, they are animals. Furthermore that’s GOD job not man.
What you’re basically saying if your mother rapes a child people should torture her to death. Take a nap on the train and not worry about someone stealing my phone. St. Louis County’s top prosecutor announced Thursday that he will not charge Darren Wilson, the former police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in August 2014.