As a bonus, you also get the Cerastus speed boost of a base 14” move. First, it is melee oriented, and well, that means it needs to get there first.

By subscribing you confirm that you are over the age of 13 or have consent from your parent or guardian to subscribe. The Cerastus Knight-Lancer is a first strike weapon, attuned to rapid, close combat assault tactics and making lethal flanking charges against a foe. Nur die ehrgeizigsten und ruhmessüchtigsten Ritter wählen einen Cerastus Knight-Lancer. As the Lancer is almost entirely melee focused, it is the cheapest of the all the Cerastus models, coming in at 420 points, just a dime cheaper than the Castigator. That’s pretty insane, and if your opponent deploys on the line, you can pretty much just walk up and not have to worry about advancing at all. It is justly renowned for its speed and its power, as well as for the temperamental and restive nature of the machine-spirits which dwell as anima within its colossal frame. Les plus grands de ces couples créeront des légendes martiales au sein de leur lignée, tandis que pour ceux dont le tempérament ne peut pas pleinement maîtriser celui de leur Armure Chevalier ou dont la soif de gloire pourrait voir la vaillance l’emporter sur la prudence sur le champ de bataille, leurs triomphes sont susceptibles de briller, même brièvement, dans les chroniques de leur Maison.The Horus Heresy, Book Three - Extermination, Chapter - Les Scions choisissent rarement de monter volontairement au combat en armure Acheron, acceptant plutôt la tâche comme un devoir ardu à entreprendre pour le bien de la Maison, car l’anima de ces armures est souvent inondée par les souvenirs hérités de massacres et de tueries sans fin. And boy-howdy, can it do work. Because of this reputation, the most impetuous and glory-hungry of the Knight Households are driven to bond with these war machines, their own souls a match for the fury caged within their mounts. With a 4++ in melee, the Lancer can be a pain to actually kill, and even at WS 5+ on lowest profile, if it gets to charge again, it can still do big damage if the stick hits.

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It is justly renowned for its speed and its power, as well as for the temperamental and restive nature of the machine-spirits which dwell as anima within its colossal frame.The Cerastus Knight-Lancer is a complete multi-part resin kit. An ancient pict-capture of a Cerastus Knight-Lancer of the traitorous An ancient pict-capture of a Cerastus Knight-Lancer of Heraldry of a Cerastus Knight-Lancer of the traitorous Heraldry of a Cerastus Knight-Lancer of the traitorous Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. If you love titans you have to come see the fan favorite Knight Lancer painted to the t's … Mixed it with some metal medium for the edges around the vents to try to make it look like the light was shining on the rim. Der Cerastus Knight-Lancer ist eine eher seltene, aber trotzdem sehr geschätzte Variante.

Le Chevalier Acheron de classe Cerastus est un spectacle effrayant sur le champ de bataille, un faucheur de vies soigneusement conçue non seulement pour détruire, mais aussi pour inspirer la terreur tant par son apparence que par la manière dont il s’acquitte de sa sinistre tâche. Since it is a Knight, it can be move blocked or can simply be penned in by terrain. Der Cerastus Knight-Lancer ist eine eher seltene, aber trotzdem sehr geschätzte Variante. Доступные способы онлайн оплаты: - Яндекс Деньги Для осуществления данного перевода вам необходимо иметь счёт в Яндекс Деньгах.

CERASTUS KNIGHT-LANCER. Without any other buffs, a stock Lancer does 17.78 wounds on average to another Knight while a Reaper-chainsword Knight only does 4 wounds back on average. Er ist für seine Größe sehr schnell und für Flankenangriffe, Überfälle und Nahkampfaktionen ausgelegt. The Lancer is all about being a super-charged missile of anti-Titanic death, and in this role, there are few entries that come close.

Even a standard Gallant using the Fist is only doing 6.25 on average. Le Chevalier Atrapos porte des armes obscures et dévastatrices dans la bataille ; le Coupeur Laser, précis et mortel que l’Atrapos considère comme une arme de combat à distance et rapproché, et le Canon à Singularité à Graviton, violemment destructeur, mais potentiellement instable. The greatest of these pairings will go on to create martial legends among their lineage, while for those whose temper cannot fully master that of their Knight armour or whose own lust for glory might see valour outweigh caution on the battlefield, their triumphs are likely to blaze brightly, if briefly, in the chronicles of their Houses. Any Cerastus model Knight can do this, but the Lancer really shines its brightest on the charge, so it needs to be able to go this fast to strike deep into enemy lines. Charging up for +2 movement and +1 to advance/charge adds some exceptional speed, and if you stack all the other movement boosting relics and abilities, you have a model with insane threat.