He found an escape route to justify his findings by using PROTO DRAVIDIAN. (My comments: There is no Brahui; it is just Indo-Aryan language; so far everything is guess; in reality everything is Baluchi and Sindhi—Indo-Aryan languages!!!!!! Some fanatics tried to hide under the guise of Indus valley civilization. (My comments: building sand castles as big as possible to be washed away by every wave!

The Dravidian languages with the most speakers are (in descending order of number of speakers) Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam, all of which have long literary traditions. An Interview with a Sri Lankan Tamil | English - Duration: 7:29.

)O hilaarki daun e ki gingishk tuutaki = he is as fond of dates as a sparrow is of mulberriesCAN YOU FIND A SINGLE TAMIL WORD OR TAMIL SOUND IN THE BRAHUI SENTENCE?So cunning linguist frauds have developed this Dravidian Brahui theory.In fact Tamil has more similarity with English than Brahui:Following is not a guess work or reconstruction like Brahui; It is based on inscriptions!The oldest horse training manual found in Turkey has Sanskrit words for numbers!Those who studied Tamil grammar wouldn’t be surprised to see Satta becoming Sapta. Notes on Brahui, M Andropov, Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow; 6 page article appeared in Journal of Tamil Studies, Volume 1, October 1969)I threw a challenge to a girl who studied lost languages to come with at leaest 10 Tamil words from Brahui speakers. More recently, a Roman-based orthography named Brolikva (an abbreviation of Below is the new promoted Bráhuí Báşágal Brolikva orthography:The letters with diacritics are the long vowels, post-alveolar and retroflex consonants, the voiced velar fricative and the voiceless lateral fricative. IN REALITY THE EARLY HISTORY OF BRAHUI IS QUITE UNKNOWN. Some fanatics tried to hide under the guise of Indus valley civilization.The derivation of the word Brahui from personal name IBRAHIM frequently met with among Brahuis themselves, is nothing more than a popular etymology invented after the adoption of Islam. From 1844, there is some incorrect information circulated among scholars about Brahui language and Dravidian invasion/migration of India via Afghanistan.

No single Tamil word found yet!!! )only 1 to 3 are Dravidian- the higher numbers are borrowed from Baluchi or Persian(my comments: so all  these sand castles were built on Irat and musit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damayanthy in Sanskrit is written as Tamayanti, YogaRaja becoming Yokarasa in Tamil, Shakespeare changing to Sekappiriyar or seksupiyar, Homer changing to Omar and Harrypotter changing to Karipaattar!! Tamils presence in North West and beyond is confirmed; but all those are just visits not from permanent settlements. But all this information is not correct. Currently Brahui language is full of Indo Aryan words (Baluchi etc) Even if we find two Tamil numbers, we can explain that Tamil businessmen were there at one time using these numbers. is ASIT, Tamil??????? The Iranian etymology ‘borohi’ a mountaineer is dobted for many reasons- AndropovDictionary of languages by Andrew Dalby gives the following information:“Brahui, major language of western Pakistan, is an astonishing survival – utterly different from the Iranian languages that surround it. There is no doubt that that Brahui belongs to the family of Dravidian languages of South India, though it is separated from the nearest of them by many hundreds of miles (see map at KURUKH).The relationship was pointed out by German linguist Christian Lessen in 1844.But it cannot be as simple as this; Brahui shares some innovations with northern Dravidian languages such as KURUKH so must have separated from other Dravidian languages before they them themselves began to differentiate. There is no consensus as to whether Brahui is a relatively recent language introduced into Balochistan or remnant of an older widespread Dravidian language family. Until today no KEY Tamil words are found in Brahui.A language must have body parts, numbers, personal pronouns etc to show some affinity with another language. )It is at least certain that the speakers of Brahui and Baluchi have long lived side by side. )BRAHUI NOW HAS RATHER FEW INHERITED DRAVIDIAN WORDS IN ITS LEXICON; Iranian and Baluchi words predominate. 7:29. Are There Similarities in Brahui and Tamil language?