“I intend to give that some serious thought,” he added. . Rick Perry, who sought the Republican presidential bid in 2012, made another try for the party's nomination in the 2016 cycle.

As governor, Inslee emphasized climate change, education, and drug policy reform, and gained national attention for his criticism of President Trump. "He (Biden) can bring our country together and build that coalition of our fired-up Democratic base, and it is fired up, as well as Independents and moderate Republicans, because we do not in our party want to just eek by a victory. Staunchly pro-choice on abortion, he also supports same-sex marriage.

“This is a campaign that has prided itself on seeing things clearly, on speaking honestly and on acting decisively,” O’Rourke told his supporters. On her campaign website, she states: “We need a moral and spiritual awakening in the country … Nothing short of that is adequate to fundamentally change the patterns of our political dysfunction.”New Jersey Senator Cory Booker announced his withdrawal from the race on January 13, 2020, blaming a lack of campaign funding. Individuals listed in this section were the focus of media speculation as being possible 2016 presidential candidates but publicly, and unequivocally, ruled out a presidential bid in 2016. "I regret that. Ideologically, Biden is viewed as a centrist whose policies reflect an emphasis on bipartisanship. List of 2016 Presidential Candidates from all Parties By Mark Wachtler Opposition Presidential candidates Johnson (L), Stein (G), and Castle (C). Announcing her candidacy on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Gillibrand stated her intention bring Democrats and Republicans together. This article contains lists of candidates associated with the Individuals included in this section have taken one or more of the following actions: formally announced their candidacy, or filed as a candidate with Five of the major candidates were invited to participate in at least one The following candidate won primaries and received delegates in most or all state primaries and caucuses. Individuals listed in this section were the focus of media speculation as being possible 2016 presidential candidates but publicly, and unequivocally, ruled out a presidential bid in 2016. In 2014, then an Independent, Williamson ran unsuccessfully for the House of Representatives. Senator and first female Senator from Minnesota. “The American public wants a fighter ... and I’m prepared to do that.”Julián Castro withdrew from the race on January 2, 2020, citing his campaign’s failure to gain traction in the crowded Democratic field. “I refuse to let disappointment blind me—or you—to what we've accomplished,” Warren told her campaign staff. “The truth is the path has narrowed to a close for our candidacy if not for our cause,” Buttigieg told his supporters. “And that was always a goal that was much bigger than me becoming president and it is in the name of that very same goal that I am delighted to endorse and support Joe Biden for President,” he said.Describing himself as “a millennial Mayor, Afghanistan war veteran, and husband,” Pete Buttigieg is also the first openly gay, and at just 37, the youngest candidate to ever run for president. 1/22. In his video, Bullock suggests that as the only Democrat in the race to have won an election in a traditionally Republican state, he was particularly able to defeat President Trump in 2020. “Today it’s with a heavy heart, and profound gratitude, that I will suspend my campaign for president,” Castro said in a video posted on Twitter. Here's an early look at the Democrats, and even members of Trump's own Republican Party, who are looking to unseat the controversial commander-in-chief.Facing a significant disadvantage in convention delegates after losses to Former Vice President Joe Biden in the Florida, Illinois, and Arizona primaries on March 17, Senator Bernie Sanders stated that he was reassessing the future of his campaign. Not for me, but for our country.” Bloomberg asked his followers to support Former Vice President Joe Biden, who had just scored major victories in the Super Tuesday primaries. "No preference" received 45,331 votes (0.27% of the popular vote), and 'uncommitted' received 40,548 votes (0.24% of the popular vote), respectively placing them 4th and 5th in the popular vote.The following people were the focus of presidential speculation in multiple media reports during the 2016 election cycle.

I've beaten him before and I will do it again.” Hoping to defy poor early polling numbers and limited campaign funding, believes his platform’s foundation of ending financial inequality will resonate with working-class voters. The following individual announced a major candidacy for president but withdrew at some point after the The following individuals announced what were recognized by the media as major candidacies for president but withdrew from the race after the first debate. John Kasich, a former member of Congress, is a Republican who ran for president in 2016.Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump chose Indiana Gov. Tom Cotton is a U.S. senator from Arkansas who made headlines early in 2017 when he traveled to Iowa, Ben Sasse is a U.S. senator from Nebraska and one of the strongest Republican critics of Trump.