Posted by 4 months ago. In the case of this particular question however, it sounds as if all the rabbits are being kept together and only one rabbit has a floppy ear. haha.

Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

144. Has your rabbit been subject to some sort of injury either in its hutch or with other rabbits? No HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked.

He had trouble hopping and would fall over. When i got my rabbit his ears were straight but now his left ear lopp's and the right stays up but can bend down witch he never does.. Any explanations?um so if you have a lop like me and its ears (both) lop that is normal because of genetics there is something called a "crown" which is a bulk of bone on your rabbits head which causes their ears to lop.thank you i have a rabbit named harold with the same isshu but i now know that he is alrightIn my experience it is due to the prolong heat exposure, what i do not know is if the ears will come up once the summer heat descends.Sometimes rabbits with huge ears in general have this trouble.My rabbit is 6months and was part of a home bred litter.. And some were along the lines of my rabbits family they was crossed with a lopp.. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites.Some rabbits are dose silly to pick up and have a hold of witch is not friendly to hold.Our rabbit that is 2 months old and his ears are allways down why?Hi i have a giant flemish and recently both of her ears have flopped but to the same side i know flopped ear rabbits hang but they hang on both sides not just one side. Or if your rabbit was laying down resting, I think it can also mean that a rabbit might be a little interested in something that is going on, but not interested enough to get up or put both ears up. You must log in or register to reply here. They are used for tuning in to what’s going on around them. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Approx. so what does one up and one down mean?That could mean she wanted to listen to something, maybe a strange noise, but it was too lazy to lift both ears up. If your rabbit eats and drinks well and appears bright and healthy and not in pain, it is probably of no great concern. Just over a month ago he started keeping one ear up in the air all the time. Usually she has her ears all the way back or both of them are up. What does that mean? While all breeds can get ear infections and ear mite infestations, lop-eared rabbits such as the English Lop and the Dwarf Lop are more susceptible to infection than other rabbit breeds. I would say that she was probably relaxing and heard something. Rabbits do not do very well with prolonged exposure to heat in general, and Flemish Giants in particular are prone to developing 'floppy ears' if they are too hot. Bunniez is a rabbit lover and has expertise in husbandry and grooming techniques for long-haired lagomorphs.Why do some bunnies have ears that point straight up and other rabbits have ears that flop over? Nose nudge - "Pet … Gently pull the earlobe up and down to allow the drops to run into ear. 8 weeks old. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Close. Another possible cause is injury. The vet gave us medicine and said it was either a bacterial infection, … He was lethargic. Okay so about a week ago Hopper looked at me funny.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Left ear nearly facing forward (see the pink inside? A common type of lop is the mini-lop, but there are also Holland lops and other kinds of lops. If your rabbit puts his ears back, his tail up and growls, you'll know it's the latter. Here it's important to know whether your rabbit is relaxed and resting or being threatened. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge.

Has your rabbit been subject to some sort of injury either in its hutch or with other rabbits? Yes one ear is up a d one is down. It's insanely cute.Cricket is some sort of lop mix with one lopped ear and one uppy ear. It could mean that some "lop" genes have snuck into the gene pool somewhere and expressed themselves in this one little rabbit.Rabbits whose ears flop over are referred to as 'lops'. It is much better to just go ahead and crop those bad ears early on. She literally had one ear all the way back and one ear up. So it depends on the history of his late past family :) xCopyright © 2020 HubPages Inc. and respective owners. It is hard to tell from the way the question is phrased if this is one rabbit from a litter that is being kept alone and has a floppy ear, or if it is in with its brothers and sisters, in which case injury is a very real possibility.So to summarize, the answer to this question of 'Why is my bunny's ear flopping over' is 'It depends'.