A particular photo of the All-Star Jerry West grabbed his attention: It was dynamic, it was vertical, it captured the essence of the game.. Jerry West photo for the NBA logo, by the late Wen Roberts. Pay the man and stop being greedy.No, this is the actual original photo that the NBA logo is based on: If the NBA changes the logo it should be LeBron. With all due respect to Mr West, he is never in the conversation amongst true basketball aficionados of greatest of all time. West knows he doesn’t belong… offered to suggest the best choice because he knows.You clearly know nothing about Jerry West. Take the Cousy photo and invert it. My guess is maybe the fact that he left Cleveland and then came back.

The stance represents the feel of the play of the game, it just happened to be Jerry West whose picture stood out at the time, to give the ‘image” the NBA was looking for. Besides, how could they come up with anything more iconic? Or maybe added so no royalties would have to be paid?
Jersey numbers can define a player such as how number 23 defines Michael Jordan.

I articulated my case as to why Jordan should be the logo with a sound logical argument and facts. Give Mr West his props.I think they need to change the shorts because no one wears ‘short’ shorts anymore.This logo has one graphic design “no-no” – either place it on the edge or get it away from the edge. Great childhood memories.

And don’t get me started on Babe Ruth, who Robert Cunningham, your comment shows your limited knowledge of the history of the NBA. I have only one statement: Jerry West is the very best clutch player that ever played basketball. All I know is that it’s an iconic logo that I love and that has stood the test of time.

Jerry West was an outstanding player and paved the road for the players of today. West’s humble attitude may cause him to shy away from the attention, but he represented an obsessive will to win and a pure talent on both offense and defense that is rivaled by few. It is unlikely that the NBA will ever change their logo. As good as anyone playing today. Prior to Russell with Auerbach and Cousy they won zero. He’s a very humble man and he actually has stated many times that he feels uncomfortable when the spotlight is on him. The comment was made many years ago so if I remembered the source, I would of given it to you. Today NBA logo brings the league about $3 billion a year. And King was never wrong.West had a great, great jump shot, and I never saw him miss a last shot when the game was on the line. Doesn’t matter. The Celtics are known for their winning tradition (that is due to Bill Russell).

If you would of read my previous comments, you would have known that I already mentioned that West was in the finals nine times and and only won once.

It’s highly likely that if they were to acknowledge it, West would have a big claim to some compensation. Although I am unsure of the legalities surrounding such an issue back in 1969.Regarding Jerry West… I used to listen to the Warriors with the inimitable Bill King doing the play-by-play.

I am so confused.I just laughed for 5 minutes straight after reading your comment!I’ve always understood it to be Bob Cousey. He was one bad dude!Although I do agree with your overall statement, it’s not the “logo” that brings in the money. Although its true, for the most part that the NBA has been dominated by African Americans, Jerry West is unequivocally still one of the greatest basketball players of all time. Some would disagree, and mainly because of the fact that they don’t respect traditions set forth by such institutions from the past.Changing it to somebody more “modern” such as MJ or even LJ would be like changing the Lombardi Trophy to the Belichick trophy! As far as the comments that Jerry West made of the issue, of course he does not mind if the logo was changed.

One uninformed poster previously called him a one-handed dribbler. There are no features to positively identify who it’s based on. That’s, pardoning my French, “dumb”.While winning rings may not be the only criteria for evaluating a players value it clearly is the most important.

I loved West and his game. Look up the answer. 11 NBA titles, 2 NCAA titles and 1 Olympic title in 15 years. Fact.Just Googled Cousy.

Jordan is the ultimate competitor, so if he said that, it was to prove West would be another victim. He had the most dominant center to play the game in Wilt to boot. There’s Kobe, Magic…I live in Chicago and remember when the Bulls were winning championships and I do remember Jordan saying he wishes he could go against West one on one.