"While some amateur observers say that it is very likely the bone of an alien Martian animal, other suggest the Okay, it's probably not a Martian totem pole, but what the heck is that thing? Certainly, we have to admit that the former is more likely, although the latter is far more fun to contemplate.Is it just an optical illusion of stratified layers in the hillside... or is this evidence of a past Martian civilization? Although there is no conclusive evidence, there are some tantalizing photos sent back from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and other probes that might raise some eyebrows. But to dismiss them outright as not possibly being artificial in origin is just as unscientific as declaring that they absolutely are created by intelligent beings. With their relatively smooth, triangular sides, they bear a striking resemblance from the air to the pyramids at Giza, Egypt (above left).The curious formation seen here has been dubbed the Star City.

UFO changing shape in mid-air looks like a different UFO but it's the same one. If so, on what is it dining, since there appears to be no vegetation to provide food? Near The Moon!?? The structure resembles the so-called "glass worms" discovered in other photos, although this one lacks the "transparent" or "translucent" quality of the worms.The official NASA stance on these structures is that they are quite natural and are, in fact, "dune trains" - rows of sand dunes. When these kids took the controls of the camera, they picked up an image of an anomaly that has scientists puzzled.

This repeat action, the team asserts, strengthens their suggestion of fixed, biological causes of spot formation. It seems it would certainly be worth the effort to find out conclusively.And while they're at it, perhaps they could send another probe to examine some perplexing Martian features that look as though they were built by intelligent creatures. updated their cover photo See those on the following pages.One of the most fascinating images, pictured at right, shows a ribbed tube or tunnel-like structure. "Each spring," writes David Leonard in an article for Space.com, "[the Hungarians] report, 'gray fuzzy spots' appear in the bottom of the ice cover. It's a complex structure that some researchers say shows walls of artificial construction.The structure is located on the Syrtis Major Planum area and is part of a large area of strange patterns, geometric objects and other curiosities that look for all the world like tubes and tunnels.Indeed, just because a feature looks artificial doesn't mean that it is. So we'd like to get a good explanation for this photo taken by the Mars Express orbiter. But how do we account for lights that seem to move about?Those who pore over the images returned from the Martian rovers have pointed out We're all familiar with the enigmatic Sphinx in Giza desert of Egypt, but some paranormal researchers are saying that this photo shows a Sphinx-like statue on the desert-like surface of the planet Mars.As you can see, it's not a very clear photo as the object—whatever it is—is some great distance from the rover's camera. The explanatory call-outs on the photo above were made by Efrain Palermo in his analysis of the object.David Martines claims he was looking around Google Mars when he happened to find a large building-like structure in the northern hemisphere of the planet. And their color is in sharp contrast to anything in the surrounding area.How huge are they? Moon Anomalies. A Hungarian research team, which has been analyzing the photos (and other photos of the same area over time), has concluded that the black dots are indeed living organisms. Or is this artifact the evidence?Or is it just an oddly shaped rock that resembles a bone? We cannot say it is an artificial creation, of course, but we can add it to the Those are the words of Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon, during a program commemorating the 40th anniversary of the first Moon landing.

4/16/2018 **

Partially covered by the surface terrain, the structure looks as though it has been unearthed by some geologic process. Taken by the Mars Global Surveyor, the photo clearly shows an ordinary-looking crater with something extraordinary-looking inside it.

If so, where is the bedrock from which it has been broken? Does it look like a natural formation to you? "Another controversial photo, shown here, reveals much larger forms that look like spreading trees as seen from above. Yet, the little fellow looks quite healthy. But NASA is decidedly This photo, taken by the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) look quite like aerial photos of an Earth desert dotted with shrub growth. By early summer defrosting, the naked dark soil of the dune is visible, and surrounded by a lighter ring.

Parts Of Statues And High Tech Anomalies Found On Mars! Some observers have likened it to a thigh bone.There shouldn't be bones of any kind on Mars, according to planetary scientists, since life—not even in microbial form—has never been detected there. Nov 8, 2016 - Explore eveneumann9's board "moon anomalies" on Pinterest. It is estimated that they are between 50 and 80 feet in diameter.

They look like long translucent tubes supported by rows of bright arches. It can be found at the following coordinates on Google Mars: 71 49'19.73"N 29 33'06.53"WDid some ancient Martian drop his binder? "The Tower" seems to show a tall tower or stack with a white tip casting a long shadow.