A majority of people, 54 per cent, said immigrants living in their country was a good while, while half said an immigrant being their neighbour is a good thing, and 44 per cent said an immigrant marrying a close relative is a good thing.Seventy-seven countries score higher than the world average, while 61 score lower.Acceptance of migrants was seen to rise with education, with those with at least four years of education after high school or college degrees being the most likely to be accepting. Many countries and I’m feeling very happy today so I’m going to name all the countries for you! {{#replies}} To understand how wealthy or how accepting a country is, the population of the country is as relevant as the size of its aggregate wealth or the absolute number of immigrants it accepts. Start your Independent Premium subscription today.Are you sure you want to mark this comment as inappropriate?Independent Premium Comments can be posted by members of our membership scheme, Independent Premium. And the top ten countries whose citizens were granted asylum in the U.S. included (from most to least):China alone accounted for an impressive 23% of the asylum grants in 2018, and it has topped the list in every one of the last several years. they can to create a true meeting of independent Premium. The COVID-19 outbreak led to severe restrictions in most EU+ countries, which led to a sharp drop in asylum applications, an effect already noted in March 2020. The UK came in at 38th on the list of 138 countries.Of the 10 countries scoring the lowest, nine were formerly part of the Soviet bloc, and most are located along the Balkan route once travelled by asylum seekers from Greece to Germany. This country has the most welcoming attitude to refugees, according to new research from Amnesty International. Start your Independent Premium subscription today. Gathering documents to show general country conditions or to back up accounts of persecution against particular groups is an important part of preparing an asylum claim.So, with these thoughts and cautions in mind, it is possible to get government-issued statistics on the countries of origin of asylum grantees, at the Department of Justice's Keep in mind that while these statistics may include applications originally filed affirmatively with U.S. This reduction was more evident in some EU+ countries.Asylum activities still affected by containment measures in place across the EU+This page is produced by EASO’s Situational Awareness Unit (SAU) on the basis of monthly data exchanged under the Early Warning and Preparedness System (EPS). This chart shows the number of new asylum applications received in selected OECD countries in 2016. try again, the name must be unique The least accepting countries are Macedonia, Montenegro and Hungary. There are no Independent Premium comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts Therefore, looking at lists of which countries end up with the greatest number of its citizens granted asylum in the U.S. should not be viewed as an indicator of whether any one person’s claim is likely to succeed.Finding out whether a lot of other asylum applicants have come from a certain country can be instructional nonetheless. {{#sender.isSelf}} (Then again, if the officers or IJs believe themselves to be too expert on the topic, you may find that they’ve already devised clever ways to ferret out any problems in your case. July 20, 2018 4:13PM 49 Nations Accept Asylees & Refugees at Higher Rates Than America .