In a popular uprising, they drove Vishkar out of their neighborhoods. Nobody loves you, Lucio. Vishkar imposed controls on the residents in the name of building a more orderly society: enforcing curfews, cracking down on what the company perceived as lawless behavior, and exploiting the populace as a cheap labor force. 61 - Reinhardt. His songs can both heal his team or boost their movement speed, and he can switch between tracks on the fly. ↑ Overwatch, Zenyatta Quotes ↑ Tracer: Reflections ↑ 2019-11-01, Overwatch 2 Gameplay Trailer.

While their are tons of requests for both height and weight for each character we were unable to locate their weights. 37 - McCree. As Brazil began the long process of recovery, he wanted to find a way to lift the spirits of those around him. While his damage output is lower than many other Supports and he doesn't have high single-target healing like Ana or Mercy, his multiple-target healing and speed buffs make him a valuable member of any team. 62 - Sigma. Toggle navigation. 48 - Roadhog. This makes him a very valuable asset to any team in most situations.
Lúcio and his neighbors had been told that the development would improve their lives. Relations: Occupation: DJ, Freedom Fighter. On the battlefield, Lúcio’s cutting-edge Sonic Amplifier buffets enemies with projectiles and knocks foes back with blasts of sound. When he was young, he found a hobby in DJing, and performed on street corners and at block parties. As he got older, he performed in a series of underground shows. may be a reference to The Beastie Boys rap album "Check Your Head".

Toggle navigation. 57 - Torbjörn. Reunite and stand together in a new age of heroes. Lúcio. Overwatch Characters Age.

Explore Overwatch ® 2. D.Va is one of the heroes in Overwatch. Lúcio is a very positive and uplifting man, often finding ways to cheer up his teammates and others.
But Lúcio's close-knit community was thrown into chaos when the multinational Vishkar Corporation secured a contract to redevelop large tracts of the city.

His music skyrocketed in popularity. He found his answer in music and its power to bring people together and even help them forget their troubles, if only for a short time. Since the game was released in May of 2016, Blizzard published various details about each character and their heritage. Whereas he had once performed locally, he was now filling arenas across the world. 38 - Hanzo.

Below you can find a list of all Overwatch Heroes with their age and heights included. Lúcio's leadership made him a star overnight and a symbol for positive social change. He stole Vishkar sonic technology that had been used to suppress the people, and he converted it into a tool to rally them to action.

Speed equalized. He stole Vishkar sonic technology that had been used to suppress the people, and he converted it into a tool to rally them to action. After that, the people that praises Overwatch created a city near the seal, keeping an eye over it.

Overwatch Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. With his newfound fame, Lúcio realizes that he has an opportunity to make a difference and change the world for the better. may also be a reference to The Beastie Boys song "The Sounds of Science", which is in turn a play on the song by Simon and Garfunkel, "Sound of Silence," "When the music hits, you feel no pain." The celebrity found his answer in music and its power to bring people together and even help them forget their troubles, if only for a short time. Before this gets closed: More Overwatch vs. RWBY, :P They fought over the world’s control, with Dragon Overwatch victorious, and Talon sealed away. He stole Vishkar sonic technology that had been used to suppress the peopleWith his newfound fame, Lúcio realized that he had an opportunity to make a difference and change the world for the better.Lúcio embarked on a world tour to promote his debut album, Adverts in King's Row during the winter holiday season indicated that Lúcio was to give a New Year's Eve concert.Lúcio was present at Rio when the city came under attack by His music skyrocketed in popularity. Gender: Male Age: 26 Classification: DJ, Freedom Fighter Contents.

Join The Fan Lab, a private Fandom research community for users in the US and UK where you will be asked to share your opinions on all things gaming and entertainment! 60 - Ana. 35 - Genji. 45 - Doomfist. He can switch between two songs: one amplifies movement speed, while the other regenerates health.Lúcio increases the volume on his speakers, boosting the effects of his songs.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Lúcio is a playable hero in Overwatch and one of the original 21 heroes.