Avant que la rivière reliant la petite ville d'Oree à celle d'Aintry ne disparaisse sous un immense lac artificiel, quatre trentenaires décident de s'offrir une virée en canoë pour tromper l'ennui de leur vie citadine.

For once it was not just seeing. James Dickey reads "Hunting Civil War Relics at Nimblewill Creek," 1982 Il avait apporté des steaks. :)Deliverance is a book about wilderness and survival. Upon return to civilian life Dickey taught at Rice University in Texas and then at the University of Florida. I know its a big deal, but all I am ever faced with are the edited-for-TV sections (on TV) of the pig squeal and the torment-heavy megaambiance. Il fit une flambée, la laissa retomber un peu, puis y posa la viande dans une poêle beurrée. That should say at least something, considering I'm not by any stretch what you would call an adventure novel reader, and haven't even remotely settled myself into a stable enough existence to warrant feelings of stagnation and suburban humdrum. I saw the movie many years ago, and just now got to the book. D'abord réticents, les trois hommes se laissent convaincre par Lewis, particulièrement persuasif, et par la promesse d'un week-end loin de leur routine, la promesse de sensations fortes, de veillées autour d'un feu au coeur d'une nature sauvage. Les cookies assurent le bon fonctionnement de Babelio. My kids and my mortgage are not dragging me down enough to compel me to thrill-seek in nature or join an undergProbably the only way I would've appreciated this novel more would be if I were a white collar, mid-life-crisis-having family man in the 70's. Deliverance (1970) is the debut novel of American writer James Dickey, who had previously published poetry. Even with that knowledge, I was inexorably pulled into the story, unable to set the book down.The 'where' and the 'who' of this novel seem to be the most important aspects of the author's famous work. Three squares led by a survivalist, head to rural America in search of adventure. So this was not so much an escapist thing for me.   You will know what the great American novel can truly be.

Deliverance by James Dickey A readable copy. A young man with little experience in the woods outside of a KOA campground need not soon revisit such a tale of horror and invasion. After the publication of his first book, Into the Stone (Middletown, Conn., 1962), he left advertising and began teaching at various colleges and universities.

Only men would think it is a good idea to go canoeing into the jungle wilderness of Georgia. Will Patton's narration puts you on that river, in that tree sighting the arrow with one shot at survival and this gets my highest recommendation. Mais la nature sauvage est un cadre où la bestialité des...

Like many of you, I imagine, I have a simple rule: read the book, then see the movie. I've cracked the book at random to highlight just a couple (and I don't think they'll spoil anything since they're devoid of context):A masterpiece of lyrical, intense writing. Délivrance, James Dickey nous en étire la durée entre épreuves, douleurs et morts. Not the four corners of a television screen but the boundless, edgeless space of the imagination. The plot is basic; four men decide to raft a seldom traveled river through north Georgia hill country. [dude totally gets raped. Gagnés par l’enthousiasme du charismatique Lewis et bien que peu expérimentés, Bobby, Ed et Drew se laissent emporter au gré du courant et des rapides, au cœur des paysages somptueux de Géorgie. You're a bibliophile who refuses to watch movies if they're based on books, you hate Burt Reynolds, or you have a fantasy wherein you're raped at gunpoint by country boys. There are so many arresting sentences here. In the thundering froth of that river, in its echoing stone canyons, four men on a canoe trip discover a freedom and exhilaration beyond compare. The albino boy with the banjo, the wildness of the river, and yes, the screams of Ned Beatty. La rivière qu'ils vont descendre va bientôt disparaitre à tout jamais, recouverte par un lac artificiel. Confession: I have never seen the film. He was appointed the eighteenth United States Poet Laureate in 1966. Having earned an MA in 1950, Dickey returned to military duty in the Korean War, serving with the US Air Force. All pages are intact, and the cover is intact. Avant qu'un barrage ne soit construit et que la rivière alliant Oree à Aintry ne disparaisse, Lewis propose à ses trois amis, Ed, Drew et Bobby, de descendre en canoë la Cahulawassee. ", all the while trying to ignore the simple fact that it would have been too much, too risque, too potentially offensive... and that, in a room full of English majors, who are generally not known for their robustness of constitution or even of knowingIt's too bad that there is such an overwhelming popular culture taboo built around this book, because it is one hell of a good book. Outside of my comfort zone Deliverance tells the story of four men closing in on middle age and looking for a little adventure take to the remote white waster river in the Georgia wilderness with two canoes. The intense, visceral clash between "the people with nine fingers" and the alpha-males challenging themselves on Georgia's cavern of white water rapids couldn't have come to life anywhere but there. « Je n'avais jamais senti chez quiconque autant de brutalité et d'insensibilité, autant de mépris pour le corps d'autrui. The river was blank and mindless with beauty. From 1955 to 1961, he worked for advertising agencies in New York and Atlanta. Vous aimez ce livre ? But he's never sure it's the right guy; he might simply have ambushed and murdered any old dude walking in the woods. Voilà de quoi résumer au plus juste ce livre dont le film de From that point on it is man verse nature, and in the end you might call it a draw.This is a powerfully written novel that at its core deals with our instinctual human desire to survive at all costs. Maybe, not the way you would generally imagine a wilderness -vs- survival meeting (no spoilers here) but none-the-less, survival in the truest sense. La rivière était très froide ; on eût dit qu’elle charriait encore de la neige et des glaçons. I enjoyed this book. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read.