So entführte er die Tornado Twins mithilfe einer Armee, die er sich dank der Anti-Life Equation gefügig gemacht hatte. I believe it would come down to Attocitus vs Darkseid or Swamp Thing because you would have to eliminate all plant life. he might be able to throw darkseid in deep space he can fly out of deep space while darkseid can't. Just good ol' fashioned hand to hand combat. I think Darkseid could do this alone in fact, his invulnerability is just incredible.

Später manipuliert Dr. And why the hell is Thanos here? Team Green Lantern vs Team Bekka.

And why the hell is Thanos here? Really? Villains like the Man of Steel himself and Wonder Woman have all been taken off the table, with Batman's Resistance finally triumphing thanks to help from Prince Adam of Eternia. Who wouldn't like to see this? Either Atrocitus deceived and used them as pawns in a coup, or he remained a villain, after all. Sinestro and Atroc are non factors, Larfleeze and Alan win though On the geek side of things, I write about comics, cartoons, video games, television, movies and basically, all things nerdy. Das Vorhaben scheitert allerdings und so wird stattdessen ein Wesen geschaffen, das später als Omega Man bekannt werden sollte. Scenario: Thanos and Pre-Crisis Darkseid are making their own business in their car when suddenly Atrocitus, Larfleeze, Sinestro and Alan Scott appear One moment he's soloing StormWatch that includes the likes of Apollo and MM, the next he's getting curbstomped/solo'd by Guy Gardner *throws hands up*. an' blasts Darkseid with an Orange Lantern blast, which pushes him back a bit, but Thanos then uses his matter manipulation ta launch up the ground Larfleeze is standin' on to the sky, sends Larfleeze flyin' to the heavens, then he falls down, then Darkseid charges the Omega Effect in his fists an' when Larfleeze is close enough, Darkseid punches Larfleeze in the face with an uppercut, an' sends Larfleeze flyin' up to the heavens again, but he's already KO'd so one guy out. Thanos grabs Sinestro's hand an' says "i heard your ring is fueled by fear, Lantern...unfortunatly for you, I wont be so easy to frighten off" an' body slams Sinestro to the ground. I mean he was still standing and crushing Superman.Darkseid has ravaged alternate worlds and slain deities. Er glaubte, dass der menschliche Verstand dazu in der Lage sein müsste, einen Teil - wenn nicht sogar die gesamte Gleichung der Anti-Life Equation zu lösen. no matter if thanos has got his gauntlets on thanos would get much more punches Darkseid either Pre or Post-Flashpoint wins comfortably.Getting blinded by Aquaman's trident and Wonder Woman's sword forged by her brother aren't exactly low showings. Then Larfleeze says "n-no, it cant be, they're stealin' my I can't let them, I cant.....I CANT!!!! A one-stop shop for all things video games. Atrocitus is arguably something of a weak link.he did beat the snot outta Sinestro an' Hal' Martian Manhunter an'' how exactly is Atrocitus a weak link? I think the design looks pretty cool but I don't really like the shoulder pads much either.Ahhhh hence the reason he looks like a crippled Apocalypse. Dabei zog er meist die Fäden im Hintergrund und setzte seine Schergen ein, um die Erde zu stürzen.

Team 2 gets bodied pretty easily. Atrocitus could match Darkseid in close combat, if he used the Ring to make armour or boxing gloves, etc, and maintained it. They're both brutal, but i'm pretty sure Atrocitus is more likely to charge in all guns blazing than Darkseid, but i'm not sure who is more skilled, and i'm not sure how long the Ring's constructs would survive against the Omega Beams...I wouldn't say Atro is being underestimated, but he's been inconsistant recently. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers

I also write about music in terms of punk, indie, hardcore and emo because well, they rock! Subscribe; Email; Facebook; Twitter A being of pure hate incarnate, the lord of Apokolips Darkseid demands the total subjugation of all existence. plus can i say with darkseids new speed he would totally own thanks. Either way, Darkseid's remaining generals -- Granny Goodness, Desaad, Mantis and the rest of Darkseid's Elite-- are clearly outnumbered and outmatched, and have surrendered the planet. Which means Darkseid has quite a good chance of winning.Darkseid. Superman kann dieses Vorhaben allerdings verhindern. Then he says "enough" an' uses his size alteration an' makes himself as big an' tall as a skyscraper an' stomps charges the Omega Effect in his foot an' stomps Atrocitus to the ground with his increased size, strength, mass, power an' the Omega Effect, causin' insane colleteral damage an' creates a huge crater an' brings buildin's down, an' Atrocitus is KO'd. Not bad for someone from the Caribbean, eh? Round 3: It's now a full on war between Ysmault (atrocitus' planet and the home of the red lanterns) and Apokolips (Darkseid's planet) 11 comments. an' blasts Darkseid with an Orange Lantern blast, which pushes him back a bit, but Thanos then uses his matter manipulation ta launch up the ground Larfleeze is standin' on to the sky, sends Larfleeze flyin' to the heavens, then he falls down, then Darkseid charges the Omega Effect in his fists an' when Larfleeze is close enough, Darkseid punches Larfleeze in the face with an uppercut, an' sends Larfleeze flyin' up to the heavens again, but he's already KO'd so one guy out. no matter what atrocitus it is darkseid wins. Darkseid should be able to stomp any Lantern say for guys like Mongul (nabby), Larfleeze, Superboy-Prime, Cyborg Superman, any Black or White Lanterns and Any of the Lantern Entitys of course.